Cosmic Collsions, Follow me on X @canopusgenetics

by Drew Skaggs ·
Double Grape, Mephisto
% (13 votes)
Lemon Cherry Cookies, 420 Fast
% (10 votes)
Granite Haze, Speedrun
% (14 votes)
God Particle, Speedrun
% (19 votes)
Frosted CherryOs, speed run
% (17 votes)
Rockslide, Speedrun
% (8 votes)
Apples and Bananas, Ethos
% (11 votes)
Pineapple Runtz, Ethos
% (13 votes)
Banana Daddy Jealousy, Ethos
% (9 votes)
Triks, 20twenty
% (6 votes)
Hot damn, 20twenty
% (9 votes)
Pound Town, Humboldt
% (11 votes)
Godfather OG, Blimburn
% (7 votes)
Quadruple Berry (Mephisto)
% (6 votes)
Polar Bear OG (Mephisto)
% (5 votes)
Old School Mango Haze (Mephisto)
% (6 votes)
Mango Macaw (Mephisto)
% (8 votes)
Hazed and confused (Mephisto)
% (6 votes)
3 Wok OG (Mephisto)
% (2 votes)
Deez Nugs (Mephisto)
% (6 votes)
pink panama x chemdoggin (Mephisto)
% (8 votes)
Henderson Haze (Mephisto)
% (4 votes)
Skywalker x Ripleys OG (Mephisto)
% (9 votes)
Ravenberry (Mephisto)
% (9 votes)

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