Who Was Your Favorite Chef in Swoldow's Hell's Kitchen Episode 2

by a guest ·
Adrien Peterson
% (3 votes)
Beverly Thompson
% (1 votes)
Camila Herrera
% (1 votes)
Chris Fassbinder
% (0 votes)
Giuseppe Milano
% (2 votes)
"Big Harry" Baskins
% (0 votes)
Harrison Hardgrove
% (0 votes)
Ichiro Xinyue
% (0 votes)
Bella Santiago
% (2 votes)
Joey DiFalcone
% (2 votes)
Julie Okazaki
% (2 votes)
Lawrence Dodario
% (1 votes)
Phoebe Harris
% (0 votes)
Itachi Hart
% (2 votes)
Yadeesha Chathuranga
% (1 votes)
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