Artisanpro Store Award 2022

1. ANZ Cosmetic - Samarinda
% (10 votes)
2. Aster Kosmetik - Malang
% (115 votes)
3. Cahaya Kosmetik - Berau
% (25 votes)
4. Chandra Super Store - Lampung
% (5 votes)
5. Daisy House of Beauty - Garut
% (14 votes)
6. Delia Cosmetics - Cirebon
% (0 votes)
7. Denise Beauty Store - Malang
% (11 votes)
8. Elisabeth Salon Supplier - Bandung
% (11 votes)
9. Elisha Beauty - Semarang
% (7 votes)
10. Jelita Cosmetic - Surabaya
% (223 votes)
11. Joni Cosmetic - Tegal
% (31 votes)
12. Kotty Kosmetik - Aceh
% (5 votes)
13. Moonlight CMC Beauty - Kudus
% (39 votes)
14. Murni Cosmetics - Bali
% (151 votes)
15. Mutiara Cosmetics - Yogyakarta
% (49 votes)
16. My Beauty Collections - Medan
% (35 votes)
17. Natalia Kosmetik - Bali
% (1 votes)
18. Puspa Indah Kosmetik - Yogyakarta
% (6 votes)
19. Rama Sinta Cosmetic & Supplier - Bandung
% (2 votes)
20. Rania Beauty - Kudus
% (197 votes)
21. Sayonara Kosmetik - Makassar
% (9 votes)
22. Thatsuya Kosmetik - Aceh
% (4 votes)
23. The Beauty Shop Indonesia - Manado
% (5 votes)
24. The Bella's - Sukabumi
% (18 votes)
25. Toko Mahmud - Bandung
% (30 votes)