During an afternoon spent in a cab on a tour with Ameronis, what will you do? (Choose 3 answers, one for sections A, B and C respectively)

A.1 - Try to learn more about her and tell her more about yourself.
% (49 votes)
A.2 - Try to learn more about her, but don't offer info about yourself.
% (53 votes)
A.3 - Don't ask about her, but tell her more about yourself.
% (4 votes)
A.4 - Don't ask, don't tell.
% (15 votes)
B.1 - Respond to her questions about you fully.
% (22 votes)
B.2 - Respond to her questions about you with polite, limited responses.
% (73 votes)
B.3 - Politely resist and change the topic.
% (10 votes)
B.4 - Resist and change the topic.
% (4 votes)
C.1 - Engage in regular chatter and freely discuss personal info
% (31 votes)
C.2 - Only engage in small talk/light, non-personal conversation
% (41 votes)
C.3 - Avoid small talk and personal info; instead, talk only about the tour
% (26 votes)
C.4 - Maintain a respectful silence and give minimal responses
% (17 votes)
% (0 votes)
Stab her
% (1 votes)
Discuss personal info averagely
% (1 votes)
Listen to her carefully
% (1 votes)