You're trying to figure out what happened last night and have only got so far. How will you continue?

You'll never figure it out; just let it go.
% (11 votes)
Passively observe and interact to try and jog your memory
% (21 votes)
Continue being discrete whilst casually trying to gather info
% (18 votes)
Lightly hint at being a bit "hazy" and ask for small reminders where possible
% (17 votes)
Admit to having "some" gaps in your memory, without letting on
% (9 votes)
Mention that you don't remember a lot of last night
% (4 votes)
Admit that you don't remember anything at all, and directly ask for info
% (14 votes)
Just forget it; you're in one piece, and that's all that matters.
% (9 votes)