Will you take the stolen items to the police?

I'll turn them in to the police and explain what happened, regardless of the possibilities
% (5 votes)
I'll turn them in to the police and explain what happened, but I'll be wary
% (6 votes)
I'll turn in the wallet with the ID card and explain what happened, but keep the rest
% (3 votes)
I'd like to turn them in, but I think it could end badly for me, so I'll hang on to them for now
% (15 votes)
They're unlikely to be reunited with their owners, so I might as well keep them
% (3 votes)
I'll keep them, but will put them to good use
% (6 votes)
I don't want to get involved with the police and be connected to the thief's injuries, so I'll keep them
% (3 votes)
I don't want to be involved anymore, so I'll abandon them
% (2 votes)
Nope, they're mine now.
% (8 votes)