AFGROW Future Development 2023

Expand countersunk hole solutions to include bearing load and non-symmetric double cracks.
% (3 votes)
Oblique/Part Through Corner Cracks at Hole.
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Add preferences in the status tree view.
% (2 votes)
Add preferences to the output file.
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Make changes to allow the use of spectra with three load channels.
% (1 votes)
Develop a Handbook of FEA models in AFGROW.
% (4 votes)
Include the Vroman increment in the status view and output files.
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When data are plotted in terms of hours, right clicking on the legend will allow the data to be saved in hours.
% (2 votes)
Implement the full r/t range for the corner crack/through crack at hole solution option in AFGROW.
% (1 votes)
Ability to click on status view item to open the appropriate dialog.
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Spectrum database similar to the crack growth rate database.
% (3 votes)
Add the ability to use mm in model geometry input.
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Update advanced double corner crack solution with the latest FE data.
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Spectrum cycle counting (rain flow ASTM E1049 and range pair) user discretion.
% (3 votes)
Option to output spectrum max-min data in a single column or line.
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Improve sub-spectrum creation capability.
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Develop a post-processing web-based application.
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Ability to add a crack to a hole using a pop-up menu.
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Track total damage in terms of crack growth rate and stress ratio.
% (1 votes)
Show initial and final crack sizes after the prediction is finished.
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Add a solution for an embedded part-through crack that includes a thickness offset.
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Correction for small crack growth rate.
% (1 votes)
Add a new Special Case with an optional tertiary crack on the near side of each adjacent hole.
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