You're cornered, armed, and in a risky situation. A great sword-wielding aggressor tells you to stay put. How will you handle it?

Comply with his demands, to avoid trouble
% (8 votes)
Comply with his demands, but look for any chance to attack
% (25 votes)
Comply with his demands, but look for any chance to escape
% (55 votes)
Try to explain and talk your way out
% (11 votes)
Try to intimidate and threaten your way out
% (6 votes)
Challenge the ring-leader to a one-on-one fight
% (17 votes)
Try to escape by climbing up the side of the building
% (13 votes)
Try to push or fight past the armed men in front
% (4 votes)
Try to push past or fight the unarmed men behind.
% (8 votes)
Use your Conquerer Haki against all of them
% (1 votes)
Comply with his demands, then try to talk your way out. If you must, fight or outsmart them.
% (1 votes)
Steal is sword and hack through his skin, using his body as a meat shield
% (1 votes)