How would you rate your overall Tekken 8 experience so far?

Tekken 8 is exceeding my expectations
% (195 votes)
Tekken 8 is somewhat better than expected
% (91 votes)
Tekken 8 meets expectations
% (69 votes)
Tekken 8 falls a bit short of expectations
% (16 votes)
Tekken 8 really did not meet expectations
% (7 votes)
Tekken 8 is exceeding my expectations
51.59% (195 votes)
Tekken 8 is somewhat better than expected
24.07% (91 votes)
Tekken 8 meets expectations
18.25% (69 votes)
Tekken 8 falls a bit short of expectations
4.23% (16 votes)
Tekken 8 really did not meet expectations
1.85% (7 votes)
Voting closed 407 days, 1 hour, 18 seconds ago.
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