Dumbass Of The Week ( 5 Sept 2019 )

Mark Sargent Shill
% (6 votes)
% (16 votes)
You have no clue what you're talking about
% (0 votes)
Alt. Original Sin Story with Aqualina
% (1 votes)
you guys are so lame
% (1 votes)
Life making itself is impossible.
% (1 votes)
Revelations from the ascended lord
% (0 votes)
I'm glad you can have friends, you need jesus tho
% (3 votes)
you would know a lot about micro penises
% (2 votes)
god loves atheists too
% (1 votes)
u can tell this guy dnt believe we really live on a ball
% (5 votes)
The earth is slowly cooling
% (1 votes)
Bacteria is not real
% (4 votes)
live forever or cease to exist?
% (0 votes)