Coolest House Plants to Elevate Your Interior Space

We have researched 12 house plants for you.

Transform your living space into a serene sanctuary with the addition of some amazing foliage. Bringing the outdoors inside has never been more stylish or beneficial to your wellbeing. Our curated list highlights the top contenders that not only enhance the aesthetic of your home but also promote a healthier environment.

From air-purifying greenery to low-maintenance succulents, we've handpicked the most spectacular varieties to suit any interior design theme. Whether you're a seasoned green thumb or new to the world of horticulture, these selections promise to inject life and color into your abode, creating that perfect vibrant home oasis you desire.
To simplify the price comparison, we determine the prices for the individual articles on Amazon, Ebay and other shops and link the offers via partner links where applicable. This means that we receive a commission if you buy something that we recommend - the price does not change for you.

What to Look for in Coolest House Plants

Important criteria

  • Healthy and vibrant leaves
  • Firm and pest-free stems
  • Roots that are white or light in color and look healthy
  • Moist, but not waterlogged, soil
  • Comes with care instructions
  • Suitable for the intended indoor environment (light, temperature, humidity)

1.) Light Requirements

Before purchasing a houseplant, consider the light levels in your home. Different plants have varying light requirements, and placing them in unsuitable light conditions can hinder their growth or even cause them to die. Low-light-tolerant plants like snake plants or pothos are ideal for spaces with limited natural light, while plants such as succulents and cacti thrive in bright, direct sunlight. Research the specific needs of the plant you're interested in to ensure your space can accommodate it.

2.) Watering Needs

Understanding the watering needs of a plant is crucial to prevent both over and under-watering, which can lead to root rot or dehydration, respectively. Some plants, like succulents, require infrequent watering, while others, such as ferns, prefer consistently moist soil. It's essential to know how often to water your chosen plant, and to check the soil's moisture level before watering. Consider investing in a moisture meter if you're uncertain about managing watering by eye.

3.) Maintenance and Care

Consider how much time and effort you're willing to commit to plant maintenance. Some plants need regular pruning, repotting, or specific humidity levels, which can be time-consuming. For those seeking low-maintenance options, plants like the ZZ plant or spider plant require minimal care. Additionally, think about whether you're prepared to deal with potential pests or diseases that can affect house plants, and assess if you're equipped to handle such issues should they arise.

4.) Pet and Child Safety

If you have pets or children, it's essential to choose house plants that are non-toxic. Many popular plants, like philodendrons and peace lilies, can be harmful if ingested. Be sure to research the toxicity of the plant and either avoid potentially dangerous ones or place them out of reach. The ASPCA provides a comprehensive list of plants that are safe and harmful to pets, which can be a helpful reference when making your selection.

The Coolest House Plants of our Choice

Our Pick
Easy to Grow Spider Plant 'Variegated' Live Plant (2 Pack)
Easy to Grow Spider Plant 'Variegated' Live Plant (2 Pack)
Type/Color: Grower's Pot Size: 2 Pack
  • Includes 2 variegated Spider Plants in 3-4 inch Grower's Nursery Pots.
  • Grows in USDA Zones 9, 10, 11 or indoors.
  • Cold zones can move outdoors in warm seasons.
  • Spider plants need indirect light and moderate moisture.
  • Local Spider Plants grown in California.
  • Easy to Grow partners with American farmers.
$ 21.95 *
on Amazon
JM BAMBOO Calathea Dottie
JM BAMBOO Calathea Dottie
Type/Color: Brown
  • Beautiful bold colors for home, office decor
  • Low maintenance plant
  • Good in medium to bright indirect light
  • Tolerates lower light situations
  • Water when top 25% of soil is dry
  • Immediate shipping in 4" pot
$ 29.99 *
on Amazon
Costa Farms Pothos Plant
Costa Farms Pothos Plant
Type/Color: Cute Décor Plant Pot Size: 10-12 Inches Tall
  • Vining Pothos Plant adds elegance to a space
  • Live Golden Pothos adds flair to interiors
  • Pothos makes unique gift for any occasion
  • Plants lift mood and improve wellbeing
  • Pothos purifies air and removes toxins
$ 34.99 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Price Pick
Generic Rattlesnake Calathea Live Plant
Generic Rattlesnake Calathea Live Plant
Model: R33TL94 Type/Color: Multi-Colored
  • Air Purifying Rattlesnake Calathea: Enhances air quality.
  • Colorful Indoor Live Plant: Adds vibrancy to decor.
  • Easy-care Houseplant: Perfect for beginners.
  • Versatile Plant Decor: Fits various indoor spaces.
  • Rattlesnake Calathea Live Plant: Known as prayer plant.
$ 20.00 *
on Amazon
Easy to Grow Houseplants (48 Pack)
Easy to Grow Houseplants (48 Pack)
Type/Color: Green Size: 48 Houseplants (2-inch Nursery Pots)
  • LIVE HOUSEPLANTS: Easy-to-care plant collection for your home.
  • NATURAL HOME DECOR: Use plants in living or office space.
  • GIFTS FOR PLANT LOVERS: Surprise loved ones with plants.
  • MORE INDOOR HOUSE PLANTS: Variety of indoor plants available.
  • HOUSEPLANT DELIVERY: Pack of 48 healthy plants delivered.
$ 111.36 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
CTS Air Plants Hypoestes Pink Splash Live Potted
CTS Air Plants Hypoestes Pink Splash Live Potted
Type/Color: Pink Size: Small 2"
  • Hypoestes Pink Splash Live Potted House Plants in 2" Pot
  • Sturdy houseplants suitable for beginners; 2" pot size
  • Perfect houseplant for brightening homes or offices
  • Air-purifying houseplants, great for any room
  • Live arrival guaranteed; plants in 2" pots
$ 9.95 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Generic Stromanthe Triostar
Generic Stromanthe Triostar
Model: T10ST00 Type/Color: Multi-Colored
  • Adds color to living room, office, or garden
  • Striking variegated leaves for home decor living room
  • Unique appeal among live plants for house decor
  • Air purifying qualities making it popular indoors
  • Easy to care for, perfect for beginners
$ 23.00 *
on Amazon
Costa Farms Money Tree Live Plant
Costa Farms Money Tree Live Plant
Size: Large
  • Live indoor plant: Money Tree for tropical feel.
  • Pachira houseplants bring luck and positive energy.
  • Lush green plant pot for stunning home decor.
  • Easily enjoyed as a gorgeous indoor floor plant.
  • Adds unique flair to any interior space.
  • Plants lift mood, improve wellbeing, reduce stress.
  • NASA studies show plants improve mood and creativity.
  • Surprise loved ones with live Money Tree plant.
  • Refreshing alternative to flowers or typical gifts.
  • Creates lasting memories for any occasion.
  • Pachira house plants purify air, remove toxins.
  • Creates cleaner and healthier living environment.
$ 48.61 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Plants for Pets 6"
Plants for Pets 6"
Type/Color: Green Size: 6 Inch
$ 22.70 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Plants for Pets Live Snake Plant
Plants for Pets Live Snake Plant
Type/Color: Standard Pot Size: Standard Pot
$ 15.99 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Costa Farms Little Fiddle Leaf Fig
Costa Farms Little Fiddle Leaf Fig
Type/Color: Nursery Planter Size: 1 Foot Tall
$ 19.99 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Costa Farms Snake Plant (4-Pack)
Costa Farms Snake Plant (4-Pack)
Size: 8-Inches Tall
$ 22.99 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
* All prices incl. VAT, plus shipping if applicable. Prices, delivery times and costs may change in the meantime. The selection of products was made independently of the manufacturer and without any claim to completeness. All links to products are external partner links through which we may receive compensation. All information without guarantee.

Top House Plants for Every Home

Discover the most stylish and trendy house plants that can elevate the ambiance of any contemporary space. Perfect for those looking to make a statement with their indoor flora.
Beginner Botanists
Start your green thumb journey with easy-to-maintain and resilient house plants. Ideal for newcomers to plant care seeking a touch of nature without the hassle.
Small Spaces
Maximize your limited space with compact house plants that bring life and freshness into even the tiniest of rooms. Great for apartment dwellers or those with less square footage.
Connect with nature and purify your air with house plants known for their environmental benefits. A smart way for eco-conscious consumers to effortlessly green their spaces.

Questions You Might Ask

Consider the lighting conditions in your home (low, medium, high light), the humidity level, how much maintenance you're willing to do, and if you have pets or children that the plant needs to be safe around.
Watering frequency varies depending on the type of plant, size, potting medium, and environmental conditions. Generally, you should water when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch, but always research your specific plant's needs.
Use a pot with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging, select a potting mix suitable for your plant's needs, and ensure the pot is size-appropriate, giving the plant room to grow without being too large.
Yes, you can generally use tap water, but some plants are sensitive to chemicals like chlorine. Let the water sit for 24 hours before use, or use filtered water if your tap water is not suitable.
You can buy house plants from local nurseries, garden centers, florists, home improvement stores, or even online. Local nurseries may offer healthier plants and more personalized advice.

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How to Choose the Coolest House Plants for Your Home

Bringing nature indoors not only enhances the beauty of your living space but also imbues it with a fresh, vibrant energy. Selecting the coolest house plants for your home can transform it into a tranquil oasis, improve air quality, and even boost your mood. This guide is your green-thumbed companion, leading you through the verdant world of house plants to pick your perfect leafy friends.

Understanding Your Space

Before you jump into buying house plants, assess the environment you're bringing them into. Identify the lighting conditions of your space – some plants bask in bright, indirect light, while others thrive in low light. Consider the humidity levels along with how often you can realistically commit to watering them.
Factor in the size of your space too. Smaller spaces may benefit from petite plants or even hanging varieties that don’t use up valuable floor space. Large plants can act as statement pieces in more spacious rooms. Also, think about your pets and children, as some plants are toxic if ingested.
The local climate plays a pivotal role in your plant's survival. If you live in a dry area, succulents and cacti might be ideal, whereas tropical plants will flourish in more humid regions. Keep in mind any seasonal changes in your area that might affect indoor conditions.

Selecting the Right Species

Start with unfussy, resilient species if you're new to plant parenthood. Snake plants, ZZ plants, and spider plants are known for their hardiness and low maintenance needs. These varieties can tolerate a bit of neglect, making them a great starting point for beginners.
If you're ready for a bit more of a challenge, consider ferns, alocasias, or fiddle-leaf figs. These types have more specific needs when it comes to water, light, and humidity, but they're well worth the effort for their unique beauty and impressive foliage.
For those with a busy lifestyle, succulents and cacti offer a cool aesthetic with minimal watering needs. Meanwhile, air plants are an avant-garde choice, requiring no soil at all and making them intriguing conversation pieces for any room.

Potting and Care Essentials

The right pot can make a significant difference in plant health. Ensure pots have drainage holes to prevent water from pooling at the bottom. Materials also matter; terracotta pots are breathable and reduce the risk of overwatering, while plastic pots retain more moisture.
Invest in quality potting mix suited for your plant's needs. Specialized blends are available for succulents, orchids, and other particular plants. Remember to repot your plants every few years to provide fresh nutrients and encourage growth.
Consistent care is crucial. Develop a routine for watering, pruning, and examining your plants for pests or diseases. Adjust your care seasonally, recognizing that plants may need more water during growth periods and less when dormant.

Creating a Plant-Positive Environment

Incorporate your plants into your home in a way that benefits both your space and the plants themselves. Group plants with similar needs together to create a mini ecosystem that can help maintain consistent humidity levels.
Use shelves, stands, or even wall mounts to display your plants in areas where they'll get appropriate light without causing clutter. Remember that plants can be used to enhance your interior design by creating natural partitions or focal points.

Hands-on Reviews and Recommendations from Discussion-Boards

In exploring the topic of Coolest House Plants, we have meticulously curated content that we deem most beneficial. Our selection encompasses a range of informative resources, which includes expert analyses, trusted reviews, and engaging discussions across various platforms such as forums and Reddit. Additionally, we have included a series of videos for a more visual perspective. These resources have been organized into four distinct categories for your convenience.
Feb 6, 2023 — Plants that can clean the air · Peace lily (Spathiphyllum ) · English ivy (Hedera helix) · Gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesonii).
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Best overall selection of indoor plants ​​ You can search by plant type, size and price or peruse's extensive selection of.
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