The Most Beautiful Sultan, Ranked

Choose the Sultan you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 26, 2024 07:34
Throughout centuries, the allure of Sultans, with their majestic bearing and regal attire, has been a subject of admiration and intrigue. The concept of beauty, however, extends beyond mere aesthetic delight to embody the dignity, grace, and cultural significance associated with these royal figures. By ranking these historical figures, we gain insights into the varying perceptions of beauty and leadership that differ across cultures and eras. This ranking system relies on your input to mold an ever-changing tapestry of public opinion. Each vote contributes to a more refined understanding of what characteristics are most cherished and remembered about these iconic leaders. Your participation not only shapes the list but also enhances a collective appreciation for the rich histories and stories that define each Sultan.

Who Is the Most Beautiful Sultan?

  1. 1

    Suleiman the Magnificent

    The longest-reigning Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, known for his significant legal contributions and the architectural development of the Ottoman Empire.
    • Reign: 1520–1566
    • Cultural Impact: Golden Age of the Ottoman Empire
  2. 2

    Bayezid II

    Noted for his consolidation of the Ottoman Empire and his patronage of the arts and architecture.
    • Reign: 1481–1512
    • Cultural Contributions: Supported science and arts
  3. 3

    Osman I

    Founder of the Ottoman Empire, his leadership laid the foundations for centuries of Ottoman rule in the region.
    • Reign: c. 1299–1326
    • Legacy: Founder of the Ottoman Empire
  4. 4

    Mehmed the Conqueror

    Famous for conquering Constantinople and bringing an end to the Byzantine Empire, thus establishing the Ottoman Empire as a major power in Southeast Europe.
    • Reign: 1444–1446, 1451–1481
    • Notable Conquest: Conquest of Constantinople
  5. 5

    Selim the Grim

    Known for his expansion of the Ottoman Empire into the Middle East, including Egypt, and for his decisive victory in the Battle of Chaldiran.
    • Reign: 1512–1520
    • Expansion: Significantly expanded the empire's territory
  6. 6

    Ahmed III

    Sultan during the Tulip Era, a period of peace and enjoyment where arts and culture flourished in the Ottoman Empire.
    • Reign: 1703–1730
    • Cultural Era: Tulip Era
  7. 7

    Selim II

    Known as 'Selim the Sot' for his love of wine, he is also noted for the loss of Cyprus to the Venetians.
    • Reign: 1566–1574
    • Nickname: 'Selim the Sot'
  8. 8

    Abdulmejid I

    Known for his efforts to modernize the Ottoman Empire and for the Tanzimat reforms which aimed to modernize the empire based on European models.
    • Reign: 1839–1861
    • Reforms: Tanzimat reforms
  9. 9

    Mustafa I

    Known for his brief and tumultuous reigns, he is a less celebrated figure in Ottoman history.
    • Reign: 1617–1618, 1622–1623
    • Notability: Brief and tumultuous reign
  10. 10

    Murad IV

    Renowned for his strong leadership, military campaigns, and the architectural development of Istanbul.
    • Reign: 1623–1640
    • Military Achievements: Recaptured Baghdad from the Safavids

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful Sultan. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Ruler is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 57 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Ruler once every 24 hours. The rank of each Ruler is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Sultan

Suleiman the Magnificent
Rank #1 for the most beautiful Sultan: Suleiman the Magnificent (Source)
In history, many Sultans have ruled with grace and strength. Among them, some stood out for their beauty. These Sultans were not only leaders but also symbols of elegance and charm. Their stories often blend power with allure, creating a fascinating blend of history and beauty.

These Sultans lived in grand palaces, surrounded by lush gardens and intricate architecture. Their courts were filled with art, music, and poetry. They wore luxurious robes, adorned with jewels and fine fabrics. Their appearance was a reflection of their status and wealth. They took great care of their looks, knowing that beauty could enhance their influence and command respect.

Beauty in a Sultan was more than just physical. It was also about their demeanor and presence. They carried themselves with dignity and poise. Their speech was eloquent, and their actions were deliberate. They had a magnetic presence that drew people to them. Their beauty was a combination of their looks, their grace, and their intelligence.

These Sultans often inspired artists and poets. Their portraits were painted with great care, capturing their regal features and elegant attire. Poets wrote verses praising their beauty and virtues. Their images and stories have been passed down through generations, keeping their legacy alive.

Their beauty also played a role in diplomacy. A beautiful Sultan could charm foreign dignitaries and forge alliances. Their appearance and charisma could open doors and create opportunities. They understood the power of their beauty and used it to their advantage.

In their personal lives, these Sultans were often surrounded by admirers. They had many suitors and companions, drawn to their charm and elegance. Their beauty was celebrated in their courts, and they were often the center of attention. They enjoyed the admiration but also understood the responsibilities that came with it.

Their beauty was not just for show. It was a part of their identity and their rule. They knew that their appearance could inspire loyalty and admiration. They used their beauty to lead and to influence. It was a tool, a gift, and a responsibility.

These Sultans left a lasting legacy. Their beauty was a part of their story, but it was not the whole story. They were leaders, warriors, and visionaries. Their beauty was a reflection of their inner strength and their ability to inspire. It was a part of their greatness, but it was not the only part.

Their stories remind us that beauty can be powerful. It can inspire and influence. It can be a part of leadership and greatness. These Sultans showed that beauty is not just about appearance. It is about presence, dignity, and strength. Their legacy lives on, a testament to the power of beauty in history.

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