The Most Difficult Push-up, Ranked

Choose the push-up you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 26, 2024 06:33
Push-ups, a cornerstone exercise in fitness regimes across the globe, vary significantly in difficulty and technique. Determining which variant stands as the most challenging can better tailor training programs to enhance strength and endurance efficiently. This assessment helps in setting realistic fitness goals and understanding the progression in one's physical conditioning. Here, users can cast their votes on a variety of push-up exercises, each known for its unique demand on the body's muscles and coordination. By participating, individuals contribute to a dynamic ranking that reflects a collective expertise and experience. This ranking not only guides newcomers but also challenges seasoned fitness enthusiasts to test their limits with the most demanding variations.

What Is the Most Difficult Push-up?

  1. 1

    Archer Push-Up

    A push-up variation where one arm is extended out to the side, simulating drawing an archer's bow.
    • Primary muscles worked: Chest, shoulders, arms, and core
  2. 2

    One-Arm Push-Up

    A push-up performed with only one arm, increasing the difficulty and intensity.
    • Primary muscles worked: Chest, shoulders, arms, and core
  3. 3

    Clapping Push-Up

    A push-up that involves pushing yourself off the ground and clapping in mid-air.
    • Primary muscles worked: Chest, shoulders, arms, and core
  4. 4

    Superman Push-Up

    A push-up where you extend your arms and legs off the ground, resembling Superman in flight.
    • Primary muscles worked: Chest, shoulders, arms, and core
  5. 5

    Explosive Push-Up

    A push-up that involves launching your body off the ground with each rep.
    • Primary muscles worked: Chest, shoulders, arms, and core
  6. 6

    Handstand Push-Up

    A push-up performed in a handstand position, requiring significant shoulder strength and balance.
    • Primary muscles worked: Shoulders, arms, and core
  7. 7

    Aztec Push-Up

    An explosive push-up where you touch your toes at the peak of the jump.
    • Primary muscles worked: Chest, shoulders, arms, and core
  8. 8

    90-Degree Push-Up

    A push-up where you push your body up to a 90-degree angle from your hands.
    • Primary muscles worked: Chest, shoulders, arms, and core
  9. 9

    Planche Push-Up

    A push-up performed in a planche position, requiring significant strength and balance.
    • Primary muscles worked: Chest, shoulders, arms, and core
  10. 10

    Maltese Push-Up

    A push-up performed in a Maltese cross position, focusing on the lower chest and core.
    • Primary muscles worked: Lower chest, shoulders, arms, and core

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult push-up. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Push-up is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 2 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Push-up once every 24 hours. The rank of each Push-up is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Difficult Push-up

Push-ups are a staple in many fitness routines. They build strength, endurance, and muscle tone. Some push-ups are easy to learn and perform. Others are more challenging and require advanced skills and strength.

The most difficult push-up variations push the limits of the body. They need more than just basic strength. They demand balance, coordination, and core stability. These push-ups often involve complex movements. They may require lifting one or more limbs off the ground. This shifts the weight and forces the body to stabilize itself.

Balance is key in these push-ups. Without it, the body will struggle to maintain proper form. Proper form ensures that the right muscles are engaged. It also prevents injury. Many people find it hard to keep their balance while performing these advanced movements.

Core strength is crucial. The core includes muscles in the abdomen, lower back, and pelvis. A strong core helps maintain stability. It also allows for better control of movements. Without a strong core, the body may wobble or sag. This makes the push-up less effective and increases the risk of injury.

Coordination is another important factor. Some push-ups require the arms and legs to move in sync. This demands a high level of coordination. It also tests the body's ability to control multiple muscle groups at once. Poor coordination can lead to improper form and reduced effectiveness.

Strength is, of course, a major component. These push-ups often target specific muscle groups. They may focus on the chest, shoulders, triceps, or back. Building strength in these areas is essential. Without it, performing the push-up will be nearly impossible.

Flexibility also plays a role. Tight muscles can limit the range of motion. This makes it difficult to perform the push-up correctly. Stretching and flexibility exercises can help. They prepare the muscles and joints for the movements required.

Mental focus is often overlooked but is equally important. These push-ups require concentration and determination. It's easy to become discouraged when facing a difficult exercise. Staying focused and motivated is key to success.

Training for these push-ups involves gradual progression. Start with basic push-ups to build a foundation. Gradually introduce more complex variations. Focus on form and technique. This will help prevent injuries and ensure that the right muscles are being worked.

Using proper equipment can also help. Push-up bars or handles can provide better grip and reduce strain on the wrists. Wearing appropriate workout gear can offer support and comfort.

Consistency is crucial. Regular practice will lead to improvement. It's important to listen to the body. Rest and recovery are just as important as the workout itself. Overtraining can lead to injury and setbacks.

Achieving the ability to perform the most difficult push-up is a significant accomplishment. It requires dedication, hard work, and patience. The rewards are worth the effort. Improved strength, balance, coordination, and mental focus are just a few of the benefits. Keep pushing, stay focused, and enjoy the journey toward mastering this challenging exercise.

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