The Most Difficult Visa to Obtain, Ranked

Choose the visa you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 1, 2024 06:34
Many avid travelers often find themselves puzzled over which countries have the most stringent visa requirements. This can lead to a lot of time spent researching and preparing for applications that might have low chances of approval. Having a clear understanding of these challenging destinations can save potential visitors a great deal of time and effort. Our ranking, shaped by your votes, helps to clarify which visas are the most difficult to obtain according to the experiences of fellow travelers. By participating, you contribute to a resource that aids others in making informed decisions about their travel plans. This interactive ranking adjusts as new votes are cast, reflecting the latest insights from a global community.

What Is the Most Difficult Visa to Obtain?

  1. 1


    Bhutan limits the number of tourists through a daily fee requirement, making its visa process unique and restrictive.
    • Daily Fee: Required
  2. 2

    North Korea

    North Korea is notoriously difficult for tourists to visit, with strict regulations and the requirement to be part of a guided tour.
    • Tour Type: Mandatory guided tour
  3. 3


    Turkmenistan requires a letter of invitation and often a guided tour, making it one of the harder visas to obtain.
    • Letter of Invitation: Required
  4. 4


    Iran's visa process can be unpredictable, with some nationalities facing more difficulties than others.
    • Nationality Variance: High
  5. 5


    Obtaining a Nigerian visa can be challenging due to its requirement for an invitation letter and proof of sufficient funds.
    • Invitation Letter: Required
  6. 6

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia has strict visa requirements, especially for non-Muslims, and limits access to religious sites.
    • Religious Restrictions: Yes
  7. 7


    Cuba requires a tourist card or visa, which can be difficult to obtain for citizens of certain countries.
    • Tourist Card: Required
  8. 8


    Afghanistan's visa process is complex and varies greatly depending on the applicant's nationality and purpose of visit.
    • Varied Process: Yes
  9. 9


    Obtaining a Russian visa can be a complex process, involving an invitation, detailed itinerary, and potentially an in-person interview.
    • Invitation Required: Yes
  10. 10


    China's visa process involves an application form, an invitation letter for certain visa types, and sometimes an in-person interview.
    • Invitation Letter: Sometimes required

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult visa to obtain. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or visa is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 5 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each visa once every 24 hours. The rank of each visa is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Difficult Visa to Obtain

Rank #1 for the most difficult visa to obtain: Bhutan (Source)
Obtaining a visa can be a complex process. Some visas are more difficult to obtain than others. The process involves many steps and requirements. Applicants must meet strict criteria to qualify.

The first step often involves filling out an application form. This form asks for personal information. It also asks about your travel plans and reasons for visiting the country. Honesty is crucial. Any false information can lead to denial.

Supporting documents are essential. These documents prove your identity, financial stability, and intent to return to your home country. Common documents include bank statements, employment letters, and travel itineraries. Some countries require proof of property ownership. Others may ask for a letter of invitation from someone in the country.

Interviews are a key part of the process. During the interview, consular officers ask questions to verify your information. They assess your intentions and connections to your home country. Confidence and clarity in your answers can make a difference. Nervousness or vague answers can raise red flags.

Financial stability is crucial. Applicants must show they can support themselves during their stay. Bank statements and pay stubs help demonstrate this. Some countries have specific financial thresholds. Meeting these thresholds is necessary for approval.

Ties to your home country are another important factor. Strong ties suggest you will return after your visit. These ties can include family, a job, or property. Consular officers look for evidence of these ties during the interview.

Some visas have quotas or caps. These limits restrict the number of visas issued each year. High demand can make these visas harder to obtain. Applicants must often apply well in advance. Early application increases the chances of approval.

Security concerns also play a role. Countries want to ensure that visitors do not pose a threat. Background checks are common. These checks look for criminal records or suspicious activities. A clean record is vital for approval.

Language proficiency can be a requirement. Some countries require applicants to speak the local language. Tests may be part of the process. These tests assess reading, writing, and speaking skills. Passing these tests is necessary for approval.

Health requirements are another hurdle. Medical exams are often required. These exams check for contagious diseases. Vaccinations may also be required. Meeting these health standards is crucial.

Some visas require sponsorship. A sponsor can be a family member, employer, or organization. The sponsor must meet certain criteria. They must also provide supporting documents. Sponsorship can strengthen an application. However, it also adds complexity to the process.

Processing times vary. Some visas take months to process. Patience is important. Applicants should plan their travel accordingly. Delays can occur, so flexibility is key.

Denials are common. Rejection can happen for many reasons. Incomplete applications, lack of supporting documents, or insufficient ties to your home country can lead to denial. If denied, applicants can often reapply. Addressing the reasons for denial improves the chances of future approval.

In summary, obtaining a difficult visa involves many steps. Preparation, honesty, and thorough documentation are essential. Meeting financial, health, and language requirements is crucial. Strong ties to your home country and a clean record improve your chances. Patience and persistence can lead to success.

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