The Most Famous Dragon Slayer, Ranked

Choose the dragon slayer you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 1, 2024 07:42
Knowing the most renowned dragon slayers has its benefits, especially for enthusiasts of folklore and history. By establishing a clear ranking, our community can highlight individuals whose bravery and skills have made significant impacts in tales across various cultures. This aids in educational pursuits and enriches the appreciation of legendary narratives. This site allows every visitor to contribute their opinion and help shape the ranking through their votes. As a result, the list is continuously updated, reflecting the collective viewpoint of a diverse audience. Your participation ensures the most accurate and representative ranking of legendary dragon slayers.

Who Is the Most Famous Dragon Slayer?

  1. 1

    Saint George

    A legendary figure best known for the myth of Saint George and the Dragon, symbolizing the Christian's victory over paganism.
    • Feast Day: April 23
    • Symbol: Red Cross on White Background
  2. 2


    The hero of the Old English epic poem, known for defeating a dragon in his final act.
    • Poem Origin: England
    • Time Period: Between the 8th and the early 11th century
  3. 3


    A legendary hero of Norse mythology, known for slaying the dragon Fafnir.
    • Also Known As: Siegfried
    • Dragon Slain: Fafnir
  4. 4


    A hero in Greek mythology who led the Argonauts in quest of the Golden Fleece and defeated the sleepless dragon that guarded it.
    • Ship: Argo
    • Wife: Medea
  5. 5

    Saint Michael

    An archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic teachings, often depicted slaying a dragon representing Satan.
    • Symbol: Scales
    • Feast Day: September 29
  6. 6
  7. 7


    A knight of the Round Table in Arthurian legend, known for slaying a dragon in Brittany.
    • Lover: Isolde
    • King: Mark of Cornwall
  8. 8


    A figure in Greek mythology known for slaying a dragon and sowing its teeth, which sprouted into an army of warriors.
    • Founded: Thebes
    • Gift: Alphabet to Greece
  9. 9

    Dobrynya Nikitich

    A legendary hero of Russian folklore, known for slaying the dragon Zmey Gorynych.
    • Dragon: Zmey Gorynych
    • Attribute: Courage
  10. 10


    A hero in Greek mythology, known for his strength and for his numerous far-ranging adventures, including slaying the Lernaean Hydra.
    • Labors: Twelve
    • Father: Zeus

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous dragon slayer. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or dragon slayer is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 87 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each dragon slayer once every 24 hours. The rank of each dragon slayer is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Dragon Slayer

Saint George
Rank #1 for the most famous dragon slayer: Saint George (Source)
In many cultures, tales of dragon slayers have captivated audiences for centuries. These stories often feature a brave hero who confronts and defeats a fearsome dragon. The dragon, a symbol of chaos and danger, represents a challenge that the hero must overcome. The dragon slayer, embodying courage and virtue, stands as a beacon of hope and protection.

The origin of dragon slayer myths can be traced back to ancient times. Early civilizations, such as the Mesopotamians, had legends involving serpentine monsters. These creatures were often linked to natural disasters or cosmic battles. As these stories spread, they evolved and took on new forms in different cultures.

In medieval Europe, the dragon slayer became a central figure in folklore. These tales often featured knights or saints who fought dragons to save kingdoms or rescue damsels in distress. The dragon in these stories was not just a beast but a symbol of evil or sin. The hero's victory over the dragon was seen as a triumph of good over evil.

The dragon slayer's journey usually follows a common pattern. The hero learns of a dragon terrorizing a land or people. Despite the danger, the hero decides to face the dragon. Armed with a special weapon or aided by magical elements, the hero confronts the beast. The battle is fierce, but the hero's bravery and skill prevail. The dragon is slain, and peace is restored.

These stories often carry deeper meanings. The dragon can represent inner fears or societal issues. The hero's quest to slay the dragon mirrors the human struggle against these challenges. By defeating the dragon, the hero not only saves others but also achieves personal growth.

The dragon slayer myth has persisted through the ages, adapting to different times and cultures. In literature, film, and other media, the dragon slayer continues to be a popular character. Modern interpretations may vary, but the core elements remain the same. The hero's courage, the dragon's menace, and the ultimate victory are timeless themes that resonate with audiences.

While the specifics of each dragon slayer's story differ, the essence remains unchanged. The dragon slayer represents the human spirit's resilience and determination. These tales remind us that, no matter how daunting the challenge, bravery and perseverance can lead to triumph.

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