The Most Famous Landmark in Italy, Ranked

Choose the landmark you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 31, 2024 06:35
When planning a trip to Italy, the abundance of historical and cultural landmarks can be overwhelming. A comprehensive, up-to-date ranking of these famous sites could help travelers prioritize their visits based on popular opinion, ensuring they don't miss the best experiences as voted by fellow travelers. By participating in the voting process, users have the opportunity to influence the ranking, making it a truly dynamic and reflective list of what is currently most appreciated about Italian landmarks. This could potentially guide new visitors toward making informed decisions about their itineraries, enriching their travel experience.

What Is the Most Famous Landmark in Italy?

  1. 1


    An ancient Roman city near modern Naples in the Campania region of Italy, preserved under volcanic ash from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79.
    • Location: Near Naples
    • Year of destruction: AD 79
  2. 2

    Trevi Fountain

    The largest Baroque fountain in Rome and one of the most famous fountains in the world, known for the tradition of throwing coins into it.
    • Location: Rome
    • Completion: 1762
  3. 3

    Uffizi Gallery

    One of the most important Italian museums and the most visited, it is also one of the largest and best known in the world, holding a collection of priceless works, particularly from the period of the Italian Renaissance.
    • Location: Florence
    • Established: 1581
  4. 4

    Venice Canals

    A series of waterways that navigate through the city of Venice, offering a unique urban landscape and a major mode of transportation.
    • Location: Venice
  5. 5

    Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

    Commonly known as the Duomo, it is a masterpiece of Italian Gothic architecture and the symbol of Florence.
    • Location: Florence
    • Construction started: 1296
  6. 6

    Roman Forum

    A rectangular forum surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government buildings at the center of the city of Rome.
    • Location: Rome
  7. 7

    Amalfi Coast

    A stretch of coastline on the northern coast of the Salerno Gulf on the Tyrrhenian Sea, located in the Province of Salerno of southern Italy.
    • Location: Province of Salerno
  8. 8


    An iconic symbol of Imperial Rome, the Colosseum is an ancient amphitheater known for its grandeur and historical significance.
    • Location: Rome
    • Construction started: AD 72
  9. 9

    Leaning Tower of Pisa

    Famous for its unintended tilt, the tower is the third oldest structure in Pisa's Cathedral Square and attracts tourists worldwide.
    • Location: Pisa
    • Construction started: 1173
  10. 10


    A former Roman temple, now a church, in Rome, Italy, renowned for its large dome and as an epitome of ancient Roman architecture.
    • Location: Rome
    • Completion: 126 AD

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous landmark in Italy. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or landmark is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 2 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each landmark once every 24 hours. The rank of each landmark is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Landmark in Italy

Rank #1 for the most famous landmark in Italy: Pompeii (Source)
Italy is famous for its rich history and culture. One landmark stands out in this vibrant country. It draws millions of visitors each year. This site offers a glimpse into Italy's past, showcasing its architectural prowess and artistic heritage.

The landmark's history spans centuries. Its construction began in ancient times and continued through various periods. Different rulers and architects left their mark on it. This blend of styles gives the site a unique charm. It reflects the changing tastes and influences over time.

The structure is massive, with intricate details. Each part tells a story. Visitors can see carvings, paintings, and sculptures. These artworks depict historical events, religious themes, and mythological tales. The craftsmanship is exquisite, showing the skill of Italian artisans.

The landmark also serves as a symbol of Italy's power and influence. It was a center for political, religious, and social activities. Important ceremonies and events took place here. It was a hub of life and culture, bustling with people from all walks of life.

Today, the landmark is a major tourist attraction. People from around the world come to admire its beauty. They walk through its halls, marvel at its architecture, and learn about its history. Guided tours offer insights into its significance. Visitors can also explore nearby museums and galleries, which house artifacts related to the site.

The landmark has inspired many artists, writers, and filmmakers. Its grandeur and history have been captured in numerous works of art. It continues to be a source of inspiration and fascination.

Preservation efforts are ongoing to maintain the landmark's integrity. Experts work to restore and protect its structure and artworks. These efforts ensure that future generations can enjoy and learn from it.

The surrounding area is also worth exploring. It is filled with charming streets, cafes, and shops. Visitors can enjoy local cuisine, buy souvenirs, and experience Italian culture. The atmosphere is lively, with a mix of locals and tourists.

The landmark's impact extends beyond Italy. It is recognized worldwide as a symbol of human achievement. It represents the ingenuity and creativity of our ancestors. It reminds us of the importance of preserving our cultural heritage.

In conclusion, this famous landmark in Italy is a testament to the country's rich history and culture. Its stunning architecture, intricate details, and historical significance make it a must-visit site. It continues to captivate visitors and inspire people around the world.

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