The Most Fun Character in Overwatch 2, Ranked

Choose the character you think is the most fun!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 31, 2024 06:35
Choosing a character in Overwatch 2 can significantly enhance your gaming experience, as each character comes with unique abilities and playing styles. Fans often debate which character is the most enjoyable, whether for their dynamic gameplay mechanics, intriguing backstory, or compelling animations. A ranked list based on user votes can offer insights and guide both new and experienced players in making their choice. This interactive set-up allows the gaming community to cast a vote for the characters they find the most engaging, directly influencing the live rankings. By participating, users contribute to a broader understanding of what makes a character beloved in the Overwatch 2 universe. Additionally, seeing how preferences change over time can be fascinating, especially as new characters and updates are introduced.

What Is the Most Fun Character in Overwatch 2?

  1. 1


    Known for her speed and agility, Tracer can blink through time and space, making her a fun and unpredictable character to play.
    • Role: Damage
    • Real Name: Lena Oxton
  2. 2


    Lucio is a support character who can skate on walls and use his music to heal teammates or boost their speed, making him a dynamic character to play.
    • Role: Support
    • Real Name: Lúcio Correia dos Santos
  3. 3


    A cybernetic ninja, Genji can deflect projectiles and swiftly strike at enemies with his katana, offering a fast-paced and engaging gameplay experience.
    • Role: Damage
    • Real Name: Genji Shimada
  4. 4


    D.Va pilots a powerful mech that can absorb attacks with its Defense Matrix and self-destruct to clear enemies, offering a balance of offense and defense.
    • Role: Tank
    • Real Name: Hana Song
  5. 5


    A demolitionist who loves chaos, Junkrat can lob grenades and deploy traps, creating unpredictable and explosive gameplay.
    • Role: Damage
    • Real Name: Jamison Fawkes
  6. 6


    Mei uses her weather-altering devices to slow and freeze enemies, offering a unique playstyle focused on crowd control and area denial.
    • Role: Damage
    • Real Name: Mei-Ling Zhou
  7. 7


    A master of stealth and hacking, Sombra can temporarily disable enemies' abilities and turn invisible, offering a strategic edge.
    • Role: Damage
    • Real Name: Olivia Colomar
  8. 8


    Pharah takes to the skies with her rocket launcher, delivering explosive damage from above. Her ability to fly makes her a dynamic character to play.
    • Role: Damage
    • Real Name: Fareeha Amari
  9. 9


    A deadly assassin that excels in close-quarters combat, Reaper can become invulnerable and teleport across short distances, making him a menacing presence.
    • Role: Damage
    • Real Name: Gabriel Reyes
  10. 10

    Wrecking Ball

    Also known as Hammond, Wrecking Ball is a hamster in a highly mobile mechanized ball that can roll around the battlefield and launch into the air.
    • Role: Tank
    • Real Name: Hammond

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most fun character in Overwatch 2. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or character is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 162 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each character once every 24 hours. The rank of each character is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Fun Character in Overwatch 2

Rank #1 for the most fun character in Overwatch 2: Tracer (Source)
Overwatch 2 brings a host of characters, each with unique skills and personalities. One stands out for sheer fun, attracting both new and seasoned players. This character blends humor, agility, and powerful abilities, making every match exciting.

Fast-paced movement defines this character. They zip around the battlefield with ease, dodging attacks and surprising enemies. This agility keeps players on their toes, offering a dynamic playstyle. It’s not just about speed, though. This character also brings a playful attitude to the game. Their voice lines and animations often draw smiles, lightening the mood even in tense moments.

The abilities of this character are a mix of offense and utility. They can deal significant damage, but they also support teammates. This balance makes them versatile, fitting into various team compositions. Players can adapt their strategies based on the situation, which keeps gameplay fresh and engaging.

One ability stands out for its creativity. It allows players to control the battlefield in unexpected ways. This can turn the tide of a match, making the player feel impactful. Mastering this ability takes practice, but the reward is worth it. It adds a layer of depth to the character, appealing to those who enjoy a challenge.

The ultimate ability of this character is a game-changer. When activated, it can swing the momentum in favor of their team. Timing is crucial, and using it at the right moment can secure victory. This high-stakes element adds excitement, as players anticipate the perfect opportunity to unleash it.

The design of this character is also a highlight. They have a distinctive look that sets them apart. Bright colors and unique features make them visually appealing. This attention to detail extends to their animations and effects, enhancing the overall experience.

Playing this character encourages teamwork. While they can perform well solo, they shine when working with others. Coordinating with teammates amplifies their impact, fostering a sense of camaraderie. This cooperative aspect is a core part of Overwatch 2, and this character embodies it well.

New players find this character accessible. The learning curve is not steep, allowing beginners to enjoy their abilities without feeling overwhelmed. At the same time, there is enough depth to keep experienced players engaged. This balance makes the character a favorite across skill levels.

In Overwatch 2, fun is a key element. This character captures that essence perfectly. Their blend of humor, agility, and impactful abilities creates a memorable experience. Whether dodging enemy fire, supporting teammates, or unleashing their ultimate, players find joy in every moment.

The community often shares highlights and stories featuring this character. Their antics and clutch plays become memorable moments. This shared enjoyment strengthens the bond among players, making Overwatch 2 more than just a game.

In conclusion, this character stands out for their fun factor. They bring a mix of speed, humor, and powerful abilities to the battlefield. Their design and playstyle offer something for everyone, making them a beloved choice. Players of all levels find joy in mastering their skills and contributing to their team.

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