The Most Popular Food in Kazakhstan, Ranked

Choose the food you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 2, 2024 06:52
Food preferences can tell a lot about a country's culture and heritage, and Kazakhstan is no exception. With its rich culinary traditions, determining the most popular food can provide insights into what locals and visitors enjoy most. By compiling a ranking based on public votes, we can develop a better understanding of these preferences. Such rankings not only reflect current tastes but also influence restaurant offerings and culinary trends within the country. Everyone is encouraged to participate in voting, ensuring that the results are representative of a wide array of tastes and perspectives. This dynamic list will continually update to reflect new votes and changing food trends.

What Is the Most Popular Food in Kazakhstan?

  1. 1


    A traditional Kazakh dish known as 'five fingers' for the way it's traditionally eaten, made of boiled meat (usually horse or lamb) served over homemade noodles and occasionally topped with an onion sauce.
    • Main Ingredients: Meat (horse, lamb), noodles
    • Cultural Significance: National dish of Kazakhstan
  2. 2


    A rice dish cooked with spices, carrots, onions, and meat, often lamb or beef, known for its aromatic flavor.
    • Main Ingredients: Rice, meat, carrots, onions
    • Variations: Different in many Central Asian countries
  3. 3


    Marinated meat grilled on skewers, similar to kebabs, often made with lamb, beef, or chicken.
    • Main Ingredients: Meat, marinade
    • Cultural Significance: Popular in many post-Soviet states
  4. 4


    A traditional sausage made from horse meat, often served boiled or smoked and typically eaten with beshbarmak.
    • Main Ingredients: Horse meat, fat
    • Serving Occasions: Celebrations, with beshbarmak
  5. 5


    Baked pastry filled with meat (often lamb or beef), onions, and spices, similar to Indian samosas.
    • Main Ingredients: Meat, dough, onions
    • Serving Occasions: Snack, street food
  6. 6


    A type of deep-fried dough ball, often served as a side dish or snack, sometimes sweetened.
    • Main Ingredients: Flour, yeast
    • Serving Occasions: Celebrations, tea time
  7. 7


    Steamed dumplings filled with meat (usually lamb or beef) and spices, often served with sour cream or a vinegar-based sauce.
    • Main Ingredients: Meat, dough
    • Serving Suggestions: Sour cream, vinegar sauce
  8. 8


    Hand-pulled noodles served with a hearty vegetable and meat sauce, often spicy.
    • Main Ingredients: Noodles, vegetables, meat
    • Cultural Significance: Shared with Uyghur cuisine
  9. 9


    A hearty stew made from liver, kidney, heart, and sometimes other offal, mixed with potatoes, onions, and peppers.
    • Main Ingredients: Offal, potatoes, onions
    • Cultural Significance: Commonly served at gatherings
  10. 10


    A traditional Central Asian snack made from dried salty cheese, often consumed as a quick snack or used to flavor dishes.
    • Main Ingredients: Sour milk, salt
    • Cultural Significance: Long shelf life, travel snack

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular food in Kazakhstan. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or food is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 146 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each food once every 24 hours. The rank of each food is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Food in Kazakhstan

Rank #1 for the most popular food in Kazakhstan: Beshbarmak (Source)
Kazakhstan, located in Central Asia, boasts a rich culinary heritage. The country's cuisine reflects its history, geography, and cultural diversity. Traditional dishes often feature meat, reflecting the nomadic lifestyle of the Kazakh people. Livestock, such as horses, sheep, and camels, play a significant role in their diet. Dairy products also hold a special place in Kazakh cuisine, offering both nutrition and flavor.

Kazakh food often includes hearty, filling ingredients. Grains, such as wheat and barley, are staples. These grains are used in various forms, from bread to porridge. Vegetables and fruits are less central but still present, often as accompaniments. The emphasis remains on simple, nourishing meals that can sustain people through harsh climates and long journeys.

Cooking methods in Kazakhstan are straightforward and practical. Boiling, steaming, and roasting are common techniques. These methods preserve the natural flavors of the ingredients. Spices and herbs are used sparingly, allowing the taste of the main components to shine through. This simplicity in preparation and seasoning highlights the quality of local produce and livestock.

Kazakh cuisine also reflects the country's multicultural influences. Over centuries, Kazakhstan has been a crossroads of various cultures and trade routes. This blend of influences has enriched its culinary traditions. Russian, Chinese, and Middle Eastern flavors have all left their mark. Yet, the core of Kazakh food remains true to its roots, emphasizing meat, dairy, and grains.

Meals in Kazakhstan are more than just food; they are social events. Hospitality is a key aspect of Kazakh culture. Guests are treated with great respect and generosity. Sharing a meal is a way to strengthen bonds and show goodwill. Traditional meals often involve communal eating, with large dishes placed in the center of the table for everyone to share.

Food also plays a role in Kazakh celebrations and ceremonies. Special dishes are prepared for holidays, weddings, and other significant events. These occasions provide an opportunity to showcase the best of Kazakh cuisine and culinary skills. They also reinforce cultural traditions and community ties.

Modern Kazakhstan has seen changes in its food landscape. Urbanization and globalization have introduced new ingredients and dishes. However, traditional foods remain popular and are often preferred for their taste and cultural significance. Many Kazakhs take pride in their culinary heritage and continue to prepare and enjoy traditional meals.

In summary, the food of Kazakhstan is a reflection of its history, culture, and environment. It is hearty, simple, and deeply rooted in tradition. Meat, dairy, and grains form the backbone of the cuisine, with influences from various cultures adding diversity. Meals are an important social ritual, symbolizing hospitality and community. Despite modern influences, traditional Kazakh food remains a cherished part of the nation's identity.

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