The Most Popular Frank Ocean Song, Ranked

Choose the song you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 24, 2024 06:49
Fans of Frank Ocean often have heated debates about which of his songs stands out as the best. Given his diverse discography, everyone seems to have a different favorite. By creating a list that collects public opinion, individuals can see how their own preferences compare with the general consensus. This list is constantly updated based on new votes from visitors like you. Whether you're a long-time fan or someone who has just discovered his music, your input is valuable. As more people participate, the accuracy of the ranking improves, offering an insightful snapshot of what resonates most with listeners.

What Is the Most Popular Frank Ocean Song?

  1. 1

    Thinkin Bout You

    A standout track from Frank Ocean's debut studio album, 'Channel Orange'.
    • Album: Channel Orange
    • Release Year: 2012
  2. 2


    A nearly 10-minute epic from 'Channel Orange' that blends themes of love, history, and society.
    • Album: Channel Orange
    • Release Year: 2012
  3. 3

    Pink + White

    A beautifully produced track from 'Blonde' featuring background vocals from Beyoncé.
    • Album: Blonde
    • Release Year: 2016
  4. 4


    An upbeat track from 'Channel Orange' that explores themes of love and materialism.
    • Album: Channel Orange
    • Release Year: 2012
  5. 5


    A song that deals with the complexities of a past relationship, from his album 'Blonde'.
    • Album: Blonde
    • Release Year: 2016
  6. 6

    Self Control

    A song that reflects on lost love and longing, highlighted by its raw emotional delivery.
    • Album: Blonde
    • Release Year: 2016
  7. 7


    A song from his critically acclaimed album 'Blonde' that showcases Ocean's storytelling and atmospheric production.
    • Album: Blonde
    • Release Year: 2016
  8. 8


    One of Frank Ocean's breakout singles that discusses themes of numbness and disconnection.
    • Album: Nostalgia, Ultra
    • Release Year: 2011
  9. 9

    White Ferrari

    A deeply personal track from 'Blonde' that uses car metaphors to explore themes of love and loss.
    • Album: Blonde
    • Release Year: 2016
  10. 10


    A single that showcases Ocean's fluid approach to gender and sexuality, with its clever wordplay and smooth production.
    • Release Year: 2017

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Frank Ocean song. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or song is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 181 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each song once every 24 hours. The rank of each song is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Frank Ocean Song

Frank Ocean is a name known by many music fans. His songs often blend R&B, soul, and pop. He started his career as a songwriter for others. Later, he moved to the spotlight with his own music.

Ocean's lyrics often tell deep, personal stories. He writes about love, loss, and self-discovery. His voice, smooth and soulful, adds to the emotion in his songs. He uses both traditional instruments and modern production techniques.

One song stands out as a fan favorite. It captures the essence of Ocean's style. The lyrics are poetic, yet relatable. They tell a story that many people connect with on a personal level. The melody is simple but powerful. It stays with listeners long after the song ends.

The song's production is a mix of old and new. It features classic instruments like piano and guitar. These are blended with electronic elements. This creates a unique sound that is both timeless and modern.

The song's release was a significant moment in Ocean's career. It received critical acclaim and commercial success. Fans praised its honesty and emotional depth. Critics noted its innovative production and lyrical content.

The song's music video also gained attention. It features striking visuals that complement the song's themes. The video adds another layer to the story told in the lyrics. It helps to deepen the listener's connection to the song.

Ocean's live performances of the song are also worth noting. He often strips down the arrangement, focusing on his voice and the lyrics. This raw, intimate approach resonates with audiences.

The song's influence extends beyond its initial release. It has been covered by other artists and used in various media. Its impact on popular culture is undeniable.

Frank Ocean's ability to connect with listeners is evident in this song. It showcases his talent as a songwriter and performer. The song remains a standout in his discography and continues to be loved by fans old and new.

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