The Most Popular Music in Mexico, Ranked

Choose the music you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 31, 2024 07:05
Music fans often find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer abundance of tunes they can listen to at any given moment. Identifying which songs are capturing the hearts of many across Mexico can provide a focused lens through which to engage with the country's vibrant music scene. This serves not only to inform listeners but also to celebrate artists who are making significant waves within the music community. By participating in the voting process, every fan plays a part in shaping a dynamic snapshot of musical preferences across the region. This ongoing interaction ensures the rankings reflect the current favorites, providing an updated guide to what's popular. Your involvement gives you the opportunity to boost your favorite tracks and help others discover new music to love.

What Is the Most Popular Music in Mexico?

  1. 1


    A genre of the traditional music of Mexico, originally sung by only one person with a guitar in the times of the Mexican Revolution.
    • Iconic Song: "Volver, Volver" by Vicente Fernández
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    A popular narrative song and poetry form, a ballad. The songs are often about oppression, history, daily life for peasants, and other socially relevant topics.
    • Modern Evolution: Narco corridos
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    A brass-based form of traditional Mexican music. Banda music is characterized by its powerful use of wind instruments.
    • Popular Instrument: Saxophone
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    A traditional music genre and ensemble that consists of guitarrón, vihuela, guitar, violins, and trumpets.
    • Origin: Jalisco, Mexico in the 18th century
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    A genre of Mexican pop music influenced by the norteño, tejano, and mariachi styles.
    • Notable Group: Bronco
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    A genre of Mexican music related to polka and corridos. The accordion and the bajo sexto are the instruments most frequently used in norteño music.
    • Notable Artist: Los Tigres del Norte
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    A genre of Mexican music that is also a dance. It originated in the Mexican state of Durango. Key instruments include saxophones, trombones, and keyboards.
    • Distinctive Feature: Fast tempo and dance style
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    Originating from the Sinaloa state in Mexico, this music is primarily banda music but is distinctive for its particular ensemble setup and style.
    • Key Instrument: Tuba

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular music in Mexico. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or song is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 136 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each song once every 24 hours. The rank of each song is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Music in Mexico

Rank #1 for the most popular music in Mexico: Ranchera (Source)
Mexico's music scene is vibrant and diverse. Its roots dig deep into the country's history, blending indigenous sounds with influences from Europe and Africa. This mix has created a rich tapestry of melodies and rhythms.

Traditional music plays a big role in Mexican culture. It often features string instruments, such as guitars and violins, and wind instruments, like trumpets. These elements combine to create lively, rhythmic tunes that are both festive and soulful. The lyrics often tell stories of love, history, and daily life.

In Mexican music, dance is important too. Many traditional songs are paired with specific dances. These dances are often performed at festivals and celebrations, adding a visual element to the music. The movements are usually energetic and expressive, matching the tempo and mood of the songs.

Modern Mexican music has evolved by incorporating global influences. Rock, pop, and electronic genres have found a place in the hearts of many. Yet, even these modern styles often include traditional elements, creating a unique sound. This fusion shows how Mexican music respects its roots while embracing new trends.

Radio and television have played key roles in spreading Mexican music. They have helped popularize many artists and songs, making them household names. Today, the internet continues this trend, allowing artists to reach global audiences. Social media and streaming platforms make it easy for fans to discover new music and stay connected with their favorite artists.

Festivals and concerts are also crucial in promoting Mexican music. These events bring together fans and performers, creating a shared experience. They often feature a mix of traditional and modern acts, showcasing the diversity of the music scene. Many of these events are held in large cities, but smaller towns also host local festivals, keeping the music alive in every corner of the country.

Mexican music has also influenced global music trends. Its rhythms and melodies can be heard in many international hits. This cross-cultural exchange enriches both Mexican music and the global music scene, highlighting the universal appeal of its sounds.

Music education is another important aspect. Schools and community programs teach young people about their musical heritage. These programs often include lessons on traditional instruments and songs, ensuring that the next generation understands and appreciates their cultural roots.

Mexican music is more than just entertainment. It is a reflection of the country's history, culture, and identity. It brings people together, whether through a shared love of a particular song or a collective experience at a concert. It tells stories, preserves traditions, and inspires new creations.

In summary, Mexican music is a dynamic blend of old and new, traditional and modern. It evolves while staying true to its roots. It is a vital part of the country's cultural fabric, celebrated by people of all ages and backgrounds. Through radio, television, the internet, and live events, it continues to thrive and reach new audiences, both in Mexico and around the world.

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