The Most Popular Steak, Ranked

Choose the steak you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 27, 2024 07:15
Choosing a steak at a restaurant or grocery store can often feel overwhelming due to the variety of cuts available, each boasting its unique flavor and texture. Hence, knowing which types of steak are favored by the majority can significantly streamline this decision. Creating a ranked list based on popular vote allows individuals to see which steaks stand out in the culinary community. On this site, users contribute to real-time updates by voting for their preferred steaks. This process not only reflects current preferences but also encourages a dynamic environment where food lovers can actively participate. By placing a vote, users help paint a clearer picture of the culinary landscape, guiding others in making more informed choices regarding their steak selections.

What Is the Most Popular Steak?

  1. 1


    Known for its rich, buttery flavor and tender texture, the Ribeye steak is cut from the rib section of the beef.
    • Fat Content: High
    • Best Cooking Method: Grilling or pan-searing
  2. 2

    Filet Mignon

    Cut from the smaller end of the tenderloin, Filet Mignon is prized for its tenderness and subtle flavor.
    • Fat Content: Low
    • Best Cooking Method: Grilling, pan-frying, or broiling
  3. 3

    New York Strip

    Also known as a strip steak, the New York Strip is known for its fine texture and buttery flavor, with just the right amount of fat.
    • Fat Content: Moderate
    • Best Cooking Method: Grilling or pan-searing
  4. 4


    A lean cut of beef, the Sirloin is located between the loin and the round, offering a balanced flavor.
    • Fat Content: Moderate
    • Best Cooking Method: Grilling or broiling
  5. 5


    Cut from the abdominal muscles of the cow, the Flank steak is lean and flavorful, best when marinated and sliced against the grain.
    • Fat Content: Low
    • Best Cooking Method: Grilling or broiling
  6. 6


    Similar to the T-Bone but with a larger portion of tenderloin, the Porterhouse is ideal for those who can’t decide between a strip or a filet.
    • Fat Content: Moderate to high
    • Best Cooking Method: Grilling
  7. 7


    The Tomahawk steak is a ribeye with a long bone attached, resembling a tomahawk. Its dramatic presentation is matched by its deep flavor.
    • Fat Content: High
    • Best Cooking Method: Grilling
  8. 8


    The Skirt steak is known for its strong beef flavor, making it perfect for marinating. It's cut from the plate section of the beef.
    • Fat Content: Moderate
    • Best Cooking Method: Quick searing
  9. 9


    Also known as the butcher's steak, Hanger steak is prized for its flavor. It hangs from the diaphragm of the cow.
    • Fat Content: Moderate
    • Best Cooking Method: Grilling or pan-searing
  10. 10


    Featuring both a strip and tenderloin separated by a T-shaped bone, the T-Bone offers a two-for-one taste experience.
    • Fat Content: Moderate to high
    • Best Cooking Method: Grilling

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular steak. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Steak is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 155 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Steak once every 24 hours. The rank of each Steak is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Steak

Rank #1 for the most popular steak: Ribeye (Source)
Steak is a beloved dish in many cultures. It is known for its rich flavor and satisfying texture. People often enjoy it during special occasions or as a treat. The history of steak dates back centuries. Early humans hunted animals for meat. They learned to cook it over open flames. This simple method evolved over time.

Cooking steak became an art. Chefs experimented with different cuts of meat. They discovered that some cuts were more tender than others. They also found that the way meat was cooked affected its taste and texture. Grilling became a popular method. It allowed the meat to cook evenly and develop a nice crust.

Different regions developed their own ways of cooking steak. Some preferred to season the meat with just salt and pepper. Others used marinades and rubs to add flavor. The choice of seasoning often depended on local ingredients and traditions. In some places, steak was served with sauces. In others, it was enjoyed on its own.

The quality of the meat is crucial. High-quality meat comes from well-raised animals. These animals are often grass-fed or grain-fed. Grass-fed beef tends to have a stronger flavor. Grain-fed beef is usually more tender. The way an animal is raised and fed affects the taste of the meat.

Aging is another important factor. Meat can be aged in two ways: dry-aging and wet-aging. Dry-aging involves hanging the meat in a controlled environment. This process can take several weeks. It allows the meat to develop a deeper flavor. Wet-aging involves sealing the meat in vacuum bags. This method is faster and less expensive. Both methods can produce delicious results.

Cooking steak to the right temperature is key. Overcooking can make the meat tough. Undercooking can leave it raw. Many people use a meat thermometer to check the temperature. This ensures the meat is cooked to their liking. Some prefer their steak rare. Others like it well-done. The choice is a matter of personal preference.

Resting the meat after cooking is also important. This allows the juices to redistribute. Cutting into the steak too soon can cause the juices to run out. This can make the meat dry. Letting it rest for a few minutes helps keep it juicy and flavorful.

Steak can be served in many ways. Some enjoy it with potatoes and vegetables. Others prefer it with a simple salad. The sides often complement the rich flavor of the meat. Wine is a common pairing. Red wine, in particular, goes well with steak. The tannins in the wine enhance the meat's flavor.

Eating steak is a sensory experience. The smell of the meat cooking can be mouth-watering. The sound of it sizzling on the grill is inviting. The first bite is often the best. The combination of flavors and textures is satisfying.

Steak remains a popular choice for many. Its rich history and diverse cooking methods make it a versatile dish. Whether grilled, pan-seared, or broiled, it continues to be a favorite for many.

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