The Most Popular Tutorial on YouTube, Ranked

Choose the tutorial you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 1, 2024 07:18
When learning a new skill or hobby, many turn to online video tutorials for guidance. Identifying the most effective tutorial among countless options can significantly enhance the learning experience. A clear ranking of tutorials helps streamline this process, presenting a user-curated list of top-rated resources that have proven beneficial to others. By participating in voting, users contribute directly to the usefulness of the ranking for everyone. This interactive approach ensures that the list remains current and reflective of the best resources available. Your votes help others to find high-quality tutorials quickly and efficiently, making the learning process smoother and more enjoyable.

What Is the Most Popular Tutorial on YouTube?

  1. 1

    How to Play Guitar

    A beginner's guide to playing the guitar, covering chords, strumming, and songs.
    • Category: Music
  2. 2

    Photoshop for Beginners

    An introductory tutorial for beginners on how to use Adobe Photoshop.
    • Category: Graphic Design
  3. 3

    How to Code in Python

    A beginner's guide to coding in Python, covering basic concepts and projects.
    • Category: Programming
  4. 4

    Makeup Tips for Beginners

    Basic makeup tips and tricks for those just starting out with makeup.
    • Category: Beauty
  5. 5

    How to Get a Perfect Winged Eyeliner

    Step-by-step guide on achieving the perfect winged eyeliner look.
    • Category: Beauty
  6. 6

    Basic Cooking Skills

    A comprehensive guide covering basic cooking techniques and recipes.
    • Category: Cooking
  7. 7

    DIY Home Decor Ideas

    Creative and easy DIY projects for decorating your home.
    • Category: Home Improvement
  8. 8

    How to Build a PC

    A step-by-step guide on building your own personal computer from scratch.
    • Category: Technology
  9. 9

    Yoga for Beginners

    An introductory guide to yoga, including basic poses and sequences.
    • Category: Fitness
  10. 10

    How To Tie a Tie

    A tutorial demonstrating the various ways to tie a tie.
    • Category: Fashion

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular tutorial on YouTube. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or tutorial is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 3 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each tutorial once every 24 hours. The rank of each tutorial is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Tutorial on YouTube

YouTube is a vast platform where millions of users share videos daily. Among these, tutorials rank high in popularity. People turn to YouTube to learn new skills, solve problems, or gain knowledge. The most popular tutorials cover a range of topics, from cooking to technology.

The rise of YouTube tutorials began in the early 2000s. As internet access grew, so did the number of people looking for easy ways to learn. YouTube provided a perfect solution. Users could watch and rewatch videos at their own pace. This flexibility made tutorials appealing.

Creators noticed this trend and began producing more content. They focused on clear, step-by-step instructions. High-quality visuals and sound became important. Engaging thumbnails and titles helped attract viewers. The most successful tutorials were those that addressed common problems or interests.

One reason for their popularity is the visual format. Seeing a process in action can be more helpful than reading about it. For example, learning to cook a dish is easier when you can watch someone prepare it. The same goes for tasks like fixing a gadget or learning a new software tool.

Another factor is the accessibility of YouTube. It is free to use, and videos can be watched on various devices. This means people can access tutorials anywhere and anytime. The platform also supports multiple languages, catering to a global audience.

Engagement with the audience is key. Many creators encourage viewers to ask questions and leave comments. This interaction builds a community around the tutorial. It also allows creators to improve their content based on feedback.

Monetization has also played a role. Creators can earn money through ads, sponsorships, and merchandise. This incentive has led to a higher volume of quality content. Some creators have turned their channels into full-time careers.

The algorithm of YouTube also helps popular tutorials reach more people. Videos with high engagement are recommended to more users. This creates a cycle where popular content becomes even more popular.

Tutorials on YouTube have changed the way people learn. They offer a convenient, visual, and interactive method of gaining new skills. As the platform continues to grow, so will the range and quality of tutorials available.

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