The Most Popular Twitter Hashtag, Ranked

Choose the hashtag you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 25, 2024 07:19
Keeping track of popular trends on Twitter can be a moving target with new hashtags popping up every day. By maintaining a live ranking of the most popular Twitter hashtags, users can quickly see which topics are capturing the public's attention. This ranking helps provide a snapshot of what is currently significant or interesting to the wider community. Our interactive voting system allows you to have a say in this dynamic list. Each vote brings more accuracy to the rankings, ensuring that they reflect the genuine interests of the user community. Engage with the content by voting for the hashtags you find most relevant or intriguing, influencing how the trends are reflected in real-time.

What Is the Most Popular Twitter Hashtag?

  1. 1


    The official hashtag used to share information about the coronavirus pandemic.
    • Origin Year: 2020
  2. 2


    A hashtag used to campaign against violence and systemic racism towards black people.
    • Origin Year: 2013
  3. 3


    Used for demonstrating the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment.
    • Origin Year: 2017
  4. 4


    Used to discuss topics related to the United Kingdom leaving the European Union.
    • Origin Year: 2016
  5. 5


    A movement within the music industry to protest against racial inequality.
    • Origin Year: 2020
  6. 6


    A global movement using the hashtag to promote action against climate change.
    • Origin Year: 2018
  7. 7


    An abbreviation for Black Lives Matter, used to support the movement.
    • Origin Year: 2013
  8. 8


    Celebrating the Supreme Court's decision on same-sex marriage in the US.
    • Origin Year: 2015
  9. 9


    Used annually to discuss the Academy Awards ceremony and the nominees.
    • Event Frequency: Annual
  10. 10


    A hashtag used for the events supporting women's rights.
    • Origin Year: 2017

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Twitter hashtag. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or hashtag is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 112 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each hashtag once every 24 hours. The rank of each hashtag is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Twitter Hashtag

Rank #1 for the most popular Twitter hashtag: #COVID19 (Source)
Twitter hashtags help users find and join conversations about specific topics. They began as a simple way to categorize tweets. Over time, they became a powerful tool for spreading information and connecting people.

A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by the pound sign (#). When users include a hashtag in their tweet, it becomes part of a larger conversation. Anyone searching for that hashtag can see all tweets that include it. This makes it easy to follow and contribute to discussions on Twitter.

The most popular hashtags often reflect current events or trends. They can relate to news, entertainment, or social movements. Sometimes, a hashtag gains popularity because a celebrity or influencer uses it. Other times, it spreads because many people feel strongly about a topic.

When a hashtag becomes popular, it can trend on Twitter. Trending hashtags appear in a list on users' homepages. This list shows what people are talking about the most at any given time. Trending hashtags can change quickly, reflecting the fast pace of conversations on Twitter.

Popular hashtags can have a big impact. They can raise awareness about important issues. They can also bring people together. For example, a hashtag about a natural disaster can help people share information and offer support. A hashtag about a social movement can help spread the word and rally support.

Businesses and organizations also use hashtags. They can promote events, products, or campaigns. A well-chosen hashtag can increase visibility and engagement. It can help a message reach a wider audience.

Creating a popular hashtag is not easy. It needs to be relevant and timely. It should be short and easy to remember. It should also be unique enough to stand out. If a hashtag is too common, it will be hard to find in the sea of tweets.

Once a hashtag starts to gain traction, it can grow quickly. People see it and start using it in their own tweets. This creates a snowball effect. The more people use the hashtag, the more visible it becomes.

Monitoring popular hashtags can give insights into public opinion. It can show what people care about and what they are talking about. This information can be valuable for anyone looking to understand trends and sentiments.

However, not all popular hashtags have positive effects. Sometimes, they can spread misinformation or hate speech. Twitter has rules to combat this, but it is not always easy to enforce them. Users need to be cautious and verify information before sharing it.

In conclusion, Twitter hashtags are a powerful tool for communication. They help organize conversations and connect people. The most popular hashtags often reflect what is happening in the world. They can have a significant impact, both positive and negative. Understanding how they work can help users navigate Twitter more effectively.

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