The Most Popular Ultra Beast, Ranked

Choose the Ultra Beast you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 2, 2024 07:17
The pursuit of finding the most sought-after Ultra Beast draws interest from many enthusiasts. Pinpointing the standout amongst these intriguing beings has always been a subject of vibrant discussion in communities. By ranking them, we facilitate a clearer understanding of their allure and engage more people in appreciating their unique attributes. This dynamic list reflects the collective opinion of all participants and changes with every vote cast, offering a fresh perspective with each visit. We encourage you to contribute your vote and see how your preferences impact the ongoing standings. Your input is crucial in shaping the current consensus and helps provide a consensus to newcomers searching for popular or intriguing Ultra Beasts.

What Is the Most Popular Ultra Beast?

  1. 1


    A Rock/Poison-type Ultra Beast that resembles a jellyfish.
    • Category: Parasite Pokémon
    • Height: 1.2 m
    • Weight: 55.5 kg
  2. 2


    A Bug/Fighting-type Ultra Beast that resembles a muscular mosquito.
    • Category: Swollen Pokémon
    • Height: 2.4 m
    • Weight: 333.6 kg
  3. 3


    A Dark/Dragon-type Ultra Beast that resembles a massive, gluttonous creature.
    • Category: Junkivore Pokémon
    • Height: 5.5 m
    • Weight: 888.0 kg
  4. 4


    A Grass/Steel-type Ultra Beast that resembles origami.
    • Category: Drawn Sword Pokémon
    • Height: 0.3 m
    • Weight: 0.1 kg
  5. 5


    A Steel/Flying-type Ultra Beast that resembles a bamboo shoot.
    • Category: Launch Pokémon
    • Height: 9.2 m
    • Weight: 999.9 kg
  6. 6


    An Electric-type Ultra Beast that resembles a tangled mass of cables.
    • Category: Glowing Pokémon
    • Height: 3.8 m
    • Weight: 100.0 kg
  7. 7


    A Bug/Fighting-type Ultra Beast that resembles a cockroach.
    • Category: Lissome Pokémon
    • Height: 1.8 m
    • Weight: 25.0 kg
  8. 8


    A Fire/Ghost-type Ultra Beast that resembles a colorful, exploding head.
    • Category: Fireworks Pokémon
    • Height: 1.8 m
    • Weight: 13.0 kg
  9. 9


    A Poison-type Ultra Beast that resembles a small, purple spike.
    • Category: Poison Pin Pokémon
    • Height: 0.6 m
    • Weight: 1.8 kg
  10. 10


    A Psychic-type Legendary Pokémon that can absorb other Pokémon to change forms.
    • Category: Prism Pokémon
    • Height: 2.4 m
    • Weight: 230.0 kg

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Ultra Beast. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Ultra Beast is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 191 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Ultra Beast once every 24 hours. The rank of each Ultra Beast is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Ultra Beast

Rank #1 for the most popular Ultra Beast: Nihilego (Source)
Ultra Beasts are mysterious creatures from another dimension. They first appeared through strange wormholes. These beings possess unique powers and traits. Their sudden arrival caused confusion and fear among people and Pokémon alike.

Researchers have studied Ultra Beasts to understand their origins. They found that Ultra Beasts come from a place called Ultra Space. This dimension is unlike our world. It has different laws of nature and strange environments. The Ultra Beasts adapted to these conditions, giving them their unique abilities.

The arrival of Ultra Beasts happened during a major event. Wormholes opened up in various locations. People witnessed these creatures emerge from them. Some Ultra Beasts were aggressive, causing chaos. Others were more passive, observing their new surroundings. This led to many encounters between humans and Ultra Beasts.

Many trainers sought to capture these creatures. They wanted to study them and understand their powers. Special Poké Balls, called Beast Balls, were developed. These Poké Balls had a higher success rate for capturing Ultra Beasts. Trainers faced many challenges in these encounters. Ultra Beasts were strong and unpredictable.

Organizations formed to manage the Ultra Beast threat. They aimed to protect both people and Pokémon. These groups conducted research and developed strategies. They worked with trainers to capture and contain Ultra Beasts. Their efforts helped to reduce the chaos caused by these creatures.

Ultra Beasts have unique designs and abilities. Each one is different from the others. Some have powers related to light, while others control gravity. Their appearances are also varied, often looking alien. This diversity makes them fascinating to researchers and trainers alike.

The study of Ultra Beasts has led to many discoveries. Scientists learned more about Ultra Space and its properties. They also found ways to harness the powers of Ultra Beasts. This knowledge has advanced technology and medicine. It has also improved our understanding of the Pokémon world.

Ultra Beasts continue to intrigue both researchers and trainers. Their origins and powers are still not fully understood. New discoveries are made regularly. This ongoing research helps to uncover more about these mysterious creatures.

In summary, Ultra Beasts are unique beings from another dimension. They possess strange powers and have diverse appearances. Their arrival caused both confusion and interest. Researchers and trainers work together to understand and manage these creatures. The study of Ultra Beasts continues to reveal new insights into the Pokémon world.

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