The Most Popular YouTuber in Australia, Ranked

Choose the YouTuber you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 1, 2024 08:07
As the digital landscape flourishes, YouTube has become an arena where content creators can rise to prominence, capturing the attention and hearts of viewers across the globe. In Australia alone, the variety of YouTubers ranges from entertainers and educators to activists and travel guides, each bringing a unique touch to their niche. Knowing which YouTuber ranks the highest can be especially useful for new viewers looking for quality content as well as for potential collaborators and sponsors aiming to make informed partnership choices. This ranked list not only reflects public opinion but also drives engagement by encouraging active participation through voting. Each vote casts a light on what is most admired in a YouTuber’s production -- be it creativity, informativeness, or pure entertainment. Engaging with this ranking allows viewers to contribute their voice and see real-time changes in preferences, fostering a community-driven evaluation of internet personalities.

Who Is the Most Popular YouTuber in Australia?

  1. 1


    Wengie is an Australian-Chinese beauty and lifestyle YouTuber known for her DIYs, life hacks, and music.
    • Real Name: Wen Jie Huang
    • Content Type: Beauty/Lifestyle
  2. 2


    Famous for his bizarre and humorous how-to videos, HowToBasic is a mystery figure in the YouTube community.
    • Content Type: Comedy/Parody
    • Notable Feature: Anonymity
  3. 3


    RackaRacka is known for their high-octane action and special effects videos, often featuring nerf guns and popular culture parodies.
    • Content Type: Action/Comedy
    • Creators: Danny and Michael Philippou
  4. 4

    Ozzy Man Reviews

    Ozzy Man Reviews offers comedic commentary and reviews on viral videos, game of thrones, and more.
    • Real Name: Ethan Marrell
    • Content Type: Comedy/Commentary
  5. 5


    Muselk is famous for his Fortnite and Overwatch gameplay and commentary videos.
    • Real Name: Elliott Watkins
    • Content Type: Gaming
  6. 6


    Maxmoefoe is known for his prank calls, mail opening videos, and collaborations with other YouTubers.
    • Real Name: Max Stanley
    • Content Type: Comedy/Pranks
  7. 7

    Planet Dolan

    Planet Dolan is an entertainment channel that produces countdown lists, Q&As, and true stories animations.
    • Content Type: Entertainment/Education
    • Notable Feature: Animated Characters
  8. 8

    Chloe Ting

    Chloe Ting is a fitness influencer known for her workout challenges and health tips.
    • Content Type: Fitness/Health
    • Notable Series: 2 Weeks Shred Challenge
  9. 9

    James Turner

    James Turner is known for his content on The Sims, including let's plays, builds, and challenges.
    • Previously Known As: TheSimSupply
    • Content Type: Gaming
  10. 10


    Known for his video game commentary, challenges, and reactions, LazarBeam is one of Australia's most popular YouTubers.
    • Real Name: Lannan Eacott
    • Content Type: Gaming/Entertainment

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular YouTuber in Australia. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Vlogger is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 112 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Vlogger once every 24 hours. The rank of each Vlogger is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular YouTuber in Australia

Rank #1 for the most popular YouTuber in Australia: Wengie (Source)
Australia has a rich and diverse YouTube scene. Many creators have risen to fame with their unique content. The most popular YouTuber in Australia stands out by blending creativity, humor, and skill. This creator has built a massive following by consistently delivering high-quality videos.

The journey to the top was not easy. It took years of hard work, dedication, and a keen understanding of the audience. The creator started with simple videos, often shot with basic equipment. Over time, the quality improved, and so did the content. The creator experimented with different formats, always looking for new ways to engage viewers.

The content ranges from comedy sketches to in-depth tutorials. This variety keeps the audience entertained and coming back for more. The creator also interacts with fans through comments and social media, building a strong community. This engagement is crucial for maintaining a loyal fan base.

Collaborations with other YouTubers have also played a key role in the creator's success. By working with others, the creator has reached new audiences and gained more subscribers. These collaborations often result in unique and entertaining content that benefits all parties involved.

The creator's success is not just about numbers. It's about the impact on viewers. Many fans find the videos inspiring and uplifting. The creator's positive attitude and genuine personality resonate with people of all ages. This connection is a big part of what makes the channel so popular.

Monetization is another important aspect of the creator's journey. With a large following, the channel attracts advertisers and sponsors. This income allows the creator to invest in better equipment and production, further improving the quality of the videos. The creator also uses platforms like Patreon to generate additional revenue from loyal fans.

Despite the success, the creator remains grounded. They often share stories of their humble beginnings and the challenges faced along the way. This transparency helps fans relate to the creator on a personal level. It also serves as a reminder that success on YouTube requires hard work and perseverance.

The future looks bright for this Australian YouTuber. With a strong foundation and a loyal fan base, the creator is well-positioned for continued growth. New projects and collaborations are always on the horizon, promising even more exciting content for viewers.

In summary, the most popular YouTuber in Australia has achieved success through creativity, hard work, and a deep connection with the audience. The journey has been marked by continuous improvement, strategic collaborations, and effective monetization. Fans can look forward to more great content from this talented creator.

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