The Most Successful Commercial of All Time, Ranked

Choose the commercial you think is the most successful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 29, 2024 07:28
The world of advertising is consistently marked by commercials that not only captivate audiences but also drive significant market trends. Assessing which commercial stands out as the most successful historically helps industry professionals and audiences appreciate shifts in marketing strategies and consumer response. Our system allows you to contribute your views on these powerful advertisements. By voting, you participate in shaping a dynamic, real-time ranking that celebrates the creativity and impact of these commercials. Your input ensures that the collective opinion is reflected in the listing, adding depth and context to the evolving landscape of successful advertising.

What Is the Most Successful Commercial of All Time?

  1. 1

    Nike's Just Do It

    Launched in 1988, Nike's 'Just Do It' campaign, featuring Walt Stack, was a major success, significantly increasing Nike's sales and brand recognition.
    • Aired: 1988
    • Product: Nike
  2. 2

    Dove's Real Beauty

    Launched in 2004, Dove's 'Real Beauty' campaign aimed to celebrate natural beauty and boost self-confidence among women, significantly impacting Dove's brand image and sales.
    • Aired: 2004
    • Product: Dove
  3. 3

    Volkswagen's Think Small

    The 1959 'Think Small' ad for Volkswagen Beetle is considered one of the greatest advertising campaigns of the 20th century, changing the way products were marketed.
    • Aired: 1959
    • Product: Volkswagen Beetle
  4. 4

    Old Spice's The Man Your Man Could Smell Like

    Launched in 2010, this Old Spice commercial featuring Isaiah Mustafa went viral, significantly boosting sales and revitalizing the brand.
    • Aired: 2010
    • Product: Old Spice
  5. 5

    Always' #LikeAGirl

    Launched in 2014, Always' '#LikeAGirl' campaign challenged gender stereotypes and sparked a global conversation about the empowerment of women.
    • Aired: 2014
    • Product: Always
  6. 6

    De Beers' A Diamond is Forever

    Introduced in 1947, 'A Diamond is Forever' slogan and campaign by De Beers successfully linked diamonds with romance and marriage, profoundly impacting the diamond industry.
    • Aired: 1947
    • Product: De Beers
  7. 7

    Apple's 1984

    Directed by Ridley Scott, Apple's 1984 Super Bowl commercial introduced the Macintosh computer. It is widely considered a masterpiece in advertising, symbolizing the fight against conformity.
    • Aired: 1984
    • Product: Apple Macintosh
  8. 8

    Coca-Cola's Hilltop

    The 1971 'I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke' commercial, known as 'Hilltop', is one of the most famous TV ads, promoting peace and love across the globe.
    • Aired: 1971
    • Product: Coca-Cola
  9. 9

    Budweiser's Wassup

    Originally aired in 1999, the 'Wassup' commercial became a cultural phenomenon, popularizing the phrase and boosting Budweiser's brand identity.
    • Aired: 1999
    • Product: Budweiser
  10. 10

    McDonald's I'm Lovin' It

    Launched in 2003, 'I'm Lovin' It' is one of the longest-running and most successful campaigns in McDonald's history, featuring a catchy jingle that became instantly recognizable worldwide.
    • Aired: 2003
    • Product: McDonald's

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most successful commercial of all time. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or commercial is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 0 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each commercial once every 24 hours. The rank of each commercial is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Successful Commercial of All Time

Nike's Just Do It
Rank #1 for the most successful commercial of all time: Nike's Just Do It (Source)
In the world of advertising, a few commercials have stood out for their success. These commercials have left a lasting impact on viewers. They have increased product sales and brand recognition. Many factors contribute to the success of these ads.

One key element is storytelling. A good story can capture the audience's attention. It can evoke emotions and create a connection with the viewer. People remember stories better than facts. A commercial with a strong narrative can leave a lasting impression.

Another factor is the use of memorable characters. Characters can become icons. They can represent the brand and make it more relatable. When people see these characters, they think of the product. This kind of association can boost brand loyalty.

Music also plays a crucial role. A catchy tune can make a commercial unforgettable. It can stick in people's minds long after the ad has aired. Music can set the tone and mood of the commercial. It can make the message more powerful.

Humor is another effective tool. A funny commercial can entertain and engage the audience. People like to share things that make them laugh. This can lead to word-of-mouth promotion. Humor can make a brand seem friendly and approachable.

Visual appeal is important too. Striking images and clever visuals can grab attention. They can make the ad stand out from the rest. Good visuals can convey the message quickly and clearly. They can also make the ad more enjoyable to watch.

Timing is crucial as well. A commercial that airs at the right time can reach a larger audience. It can tap into current trends and events. This can make the ad more relevant and impactful. Timing can also affect how the message is received.

Simplicity is often key to success. A clear and simple message is easier to understand. It can be more effective than a complex one. Simplicity can make the ad more memorable. It can also make the message more persuasive.

Consistency is another important factor. A successful commercial often fits well with the brand's overall image. It reinforces the brand's identity and values. Consistency can build trust and loyalty among consumers.

Celebrities can also enhance a commercial's appeal. A well-known face can attract attention and add credibility. Celebrities can influence people's perceptions of the brand. They can make the product seem more desirable.

A successful commercial often has a clear call to action. It tells viewers what to do next. This can be visiting a website, buying a product, or sharing the ad. A clear call to action can drive results and measure the ad's effectiveness.

In conclusion, many elements contribute to the success of a commercial. Storytelling, memorable characters, music, humor, visual appeal, timing, simplicity, consistency, and celebrity endorsements all play a role. A combination of these factors can create a powerful and effective ad. The most successful commercials have mastered these elements. They have left a lasting impact on viewers and achieved their goals.

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