The Most Popular City in Uzbekistan, Ranked

Choose the city you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 29, 2024 06:46
Determining the most popular city in Uzbekistan can provide valuable insights for various purposes. Whether one is planning a trip, looking into business opportunities, or just curious about different cultural hotspots, such a ranking can offer clear and organized information. This simplifies decision-making and can broaden understanding of the nation’s urban diversity. By participating in the voting process, users contribute to a dynamic and current assessment of each city’s appeal. The rankings reflect collective opinions and experiences, making them a reliable resource for others. Moreover, this process allows participants to express their preferences and share their unique perspectives, enhancing the community-guided nature of the list.

What Is the Most Popular City in Uzbekistan?

  1. 1


    The capital and largest city of Uzbekistan, known for its mix of modern and Soviet-era architecture.
    • Population: Over 2.5 million
    • Founded: More than 2,200 years ago
  2. 2


    One of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Central Asia, known for its historic architecture and as a Silk Road hub.
    • Population: About 535,000
    • UNESCO World Heritage Site: Since 2001
  3. 3


    A city-museum, with about 140 architectural monuments, Bukhara has a history of over a thousand years.
    • Population: About 272,000
    • Historic Centre: A UNESCO World Heritage Site
  4. 4


    One of the oldest cities in the Fergana Valley, known for its rich history and cultural heritage.
    • Population: About 420,000
    • Founded: 9th century
  5. 5


    The third-largest city in Uzbekistan, known for its textile industry and beautiful parks.
    • Population: About 600,000
    • Founded: 1610
  6. 6


    The sixth-largest city in Uzbekistan and the capital of the autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan.
    • Population: About 312,000
    • Founded: 1932
  7. 7


    The capital city of Fergana Region, important for its engineering, chemical, and oil industries.
    • Population: About 340,000
    • Founded: 1876
  8. 8


    Famous for its well-preserved medieval city, Khiva is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
    • Population: About 90,000
    • Itchan Kala: A UNESCO World Heritage Site
  9. 9


    A city in the center of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh is an important industrial and cultural center of the country.
    • Population: About 152,642
    • Founded: 1916
  10. 10


    Named after the poet Ali-Shir Nava'i, this city is known for its mining industry and cultural sites.
    • Population: About 160,000
    • Founded: 1958

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular city in Uzbekistan. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or city is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 168 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each city once every 24 hours. The rank of each city is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular City in Uzbekistan

Rank #1 for the most popular city in Uzbekistan: Tashkent (Source)
Uzbekistan, a country in Central Asia, offers a rich cultural heritage and history. One city, in particular, stands out as a popular destination for travelers. It captures the essence of the nation's past and present. This city serves as a hub for trade, culture, and history.

The city has roots that go back many centuries. It was a key stop on the Silk Road, the ancient trade route that connected the East and West. Merchants from different lands met here to exchange goods, ideas, and traditions. This history is still visible today in the city's architecture and layout.

Visitors often explore the old town, where narrow streets and ancient buildings tell stories of the past. Many of these structures have been preserved or restored. They showcase the intricate designs and craftsmanship of earlier times. Walking through these streets feels like stepping back in time.

The city also hosts several grand mosques and madrasahs. These places of worship and learning are not just religious sites. They are also architectural marvels. Their domes, minarets, and courtyards reflect the artistic achievements of the region. Many visitors find these sites to be highlights of their trip.

Modern life in the city blends seamlessly with its historical backdrop. Markets buzz with activity as vendors sell spices, textiles, and other local goods. These bazaars offer a sensory experience with their vibrant colors and enticing aromas. They provide a glimpse into the daily life of the city's residents.

The city is also a center for education and culture. It has several universities and cultural institutions. These places contribute to the vibrant intellectual life of the area. They host events, exhibitions, and performances that attract both locals and tourists.

Food is another highlight. The city offers a variety of traditional dishes that reflect the diverse influences of its history. Plov, a rice dish with meat and vegetables, is a must-try. Other local specialties include kebabs, bread, and sweets. Dining here is a delight for the taste buds.

Transportation in the city is convenient. It has a well-developed public transport system. Buses, trams, and taxis make it easy to get around. Many visitors also enjoy walking, as it allows them to take in the sights and sounds at a leisurely pace.

The city experiences a range of weather throughout the year. Summers can be hot, while winters are cold. Spring and autumn are often the best times to visit. The weather is mild, and the city's gardens and parks are in full bloom.

Safety is generally good in the city. Visitors should take standard precautions, as they would in any other urban area. Respect for local customs and traditions is important. This ensures a pleasant experience for everyone.

In summary, this city in Uzbekistan offers a rich blend of history, culture, and modern life. Its ancient architecture, bustling markets, and vibrant cultural scene make it a must-visit destination. Whether exploring its historic sites or enjoying its local cuisine, visitors find much to appreciate. The city stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of the Silk Road and the diverse influences that have shaped it.

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