Cheapest Graphing Calculator: Budget-Friendly Choices for Students

We have researched 13 graphing calculators for you.

In today's market, finding affordable yet reliable technology is a must for learners and experts who need to crunch numbers with ease. With a wide array of options available, it's crucial to identify devices that not only fit your budget but also meet the demands of complex computations and graphical representations.

This curated selection focuses on delivering cost-effective solutions without compromising quality. These graphing calculators have been assessed for their functionality, durability, user-friendliness, and, importantly, their price point, to ensure you get the best value for your investment. Ideal for both educational settings and professional environments, these devices promise to be invaluable tools for anyone engaged in mathematical and scientific explorations.
To simplify the price comparison, we determine the prices for the individual articles on Amazon, Ebay and other shops and link the offers via partner links where applicable. This means that we receive a commission if you buy something that we recommend - the price does not change for you.

What to Look for in Cheapest Graphing Calculators

Important criteria

  • Functionality
  • Compatibility with standardized tests
  • Display quality
  • Battery life
  • Memory capacity
  • Preloaded software

1.) Quality and Performance

When purchasing the cheapest graphing calculator, assess its quality and performance. It must have a reliable processor speed and enough memory to handle complex calculations without lagging. Ensure it provides accurate results and has a clear display that can represent graphs and functions properly. The build quality is also important as it should be durable enough to withstand daily use and potential drops or knocks.

2.) Functionality and Compatibility

Check for the range of functions and features the calculator offers. It should cover the necessary mathematical functionality for your coursework or field of work, such as calculus, algebra, and trigonometric functions. Compatibility with standardized tests like the SAT, ACT, or AP exams may also be pertinent. Additionally, some graphing calculators come with preloaded software or the ability to download more, which can be a significant advantage.

3.) Usability and Learning Curve

The cheapest graphing calculator should be user-friendly, with an intuitive interface and easy-to-use keyboard layout. A steep learning curve can hinder your progress, so look for calculators that come with helpful guidance or tutorials. The inclusion of an informative manual or online support community can also make the learning process easier and enhance the overall usability.

4.) Battery Life and Power Options

Long battery life is essential to avoid frequent interruptions, especially during exams or long study sessions. Check whether the graphing calculator runs on replaceable batteries or has a rechargeable battery, and consider the availability and cost of replacements. Some calculators also offer solar power as a backup, which can be an added benefit for prolonged use.

The Cheapest Graphing Calculators of our Choice

Our Pick
Texas Instruments TI-83 Plus Programmable Graphing Calculator
Texas Instruments TI-83 Plus Programmable Graphing Calculator
Type/Color: black Size: Small
  • Multifunction graphing calculator
  • Preloaded games with ability to load your own
  • Dependable option for various classes
  • High contrast display & durable plastic exterior
  • Requires 4 AAA batteries
$ 64.90 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Casio fx-9750GIII, Standard Graphing Calculator
Casio fx-9750GIII, Standard Graphing Calculator
Type/Color: Black Size: Small
  • High-resolution LCD display with rechargeable battery
  • 3MB flash memory for storage
  • Natural Textbook Display shows fractions
  • Spreadsheet functionality for data manipulation
  • USB connectivity for file sharing
  • Quick Pie Charts & Bar Graphs for visual representation
  • Built-in Conic Equations for mathematical calculations
  • AP Statistics Features for advanced statistical analysis
  • Icon-Based Menu System for easy navigation
  • Random Number Generation for statistical simulations
$ 46.29 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
CASIO PRIZM FX-CG50 Color Graphing Calculator
CASIO PRIZM FX-CG50 Color Graphing Calculator
Type/Color: Black & White Size: 7.21"Wx10.32"Lx2.05"H
  • Color graphing Calculator - High resolution LCD
  • Natural textbook display
  • Picture plot technology - Real life images
  • 3D graphing capability
  • Built-in conic sections
$ 79.50 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
NumWorks Graphing Calculator
NumWorks Graphing Calculator
Model: N0120 Type/Color: White Size: Small
  • Designed for high school students
  • User friendly and easy to learn
  • High resolution color screen (320 x 240 pixels)
  • Long-lasting rechargeable battery (20+ hours per charge)
  • Multiple languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese
  • Includes USB-C charging cable
$ 99.99 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
WYNGS HP Prime Scientific Graphing Calculator
WYNGS HP Prime Scientific Graphing Calculator
Type/Color: black Size: HP Prime + Protective Case
  • CAS-enabled HP Prime calculator with color display
  • HP Prime 400 MHz processor, 265 MB RAM
  • 512 MB Flash storage, USB data transfer
  • WYNGS protective case - black
$ 128.94 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
LTGEM EVA Hard Case Compatible with Texas
LTGEM EVA Hard Case Compatible with Texas
Model: CS1248 Size: 8.9*4.5*2.2
  • Hard case for TI graphing calculators.
  • Offers superior protection against impacts and scratches.
  • Fits a variety of Texas Instruments calculators.
  • Has compartments for extra accessories.
  • Comfortable hand strap for easy carrying.
  • Durable EVA shell is shockproof and water-resistant.
$ 19.99 *
on Amazon
Texas Instruments TI83PLUS TI-83Plus Programmable Graphing Calculator
Texas Instruments TI83PLUS TI-83Plus Programmable Graphing Calculator
Type/Color: Black Size: 1-Pack
  • Sold as 1 Each.
  • Good for algebra classroom.
  • Split screen options.
  • Access advanced functions through menus.
  • Includes finance tools.
$ 65.00 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Texas Instruments TI-Nspire CX II CAS Color
Texas Instruments TI-Nspire CX II CAS Color
Type/Color: Black Size: 320 x 240 pixels (3.2" diagonal)
  • Color screen with 320 x 240 pixels (3.5 inches diagonal) and 125 DPI; 16-bit color
  • Rechargeable battery lasts up to two weeks on a single charge
  • Handheld-Software Bundle includes TI-Inspire CX Student Software with enhanced graphing capabilities
  • Thin design and lightweight with easy touchpad navigation
  • Quick alpha keys for fast typing
  • Six different graph styles and 15 colors to select from
$ 151.87 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE Color Graphing Calculator
Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE Color Graphing Calculator
Type/Color: Black Size: 7.5 Inch
  • High-resolution, full-color backlit display
  • Horizontal and vertical split-screen options
  • LED display type
  • Rechargeable battery
  • Preloaded apps and images
  • Fourteen interactive zoom features
  • MathPrint feature
  • Seven different graph styles
  • Available in a variety of colors
  • Compatible with CBR 2 motion sensor
  • Lightweight and durable
$ 114.99 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Texas Instruments TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator
Texas Instruments TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator
Type/Color: Gray Size: Standard
  • Permitted for use on SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, ACT, AP, IB and Praxis exams
  • 64 x 96 pixel display and 24KB of RAM
  • Graphs 3 recursive sequences, TVM, cash flows, amortization, and complex numbers
  • Enhanced data analysis with logistic and sine regressions
  • I/O port with unit-to-unit link cable
  • Powered by 4 AAA batteries and lithium battery backup
$ 69.50 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Texas Instruments TI-83 Plus Programmable Graphing Calculator
Texas Instruments TI-83 Plus Programmable Graphing Calculator
Type/Color: Blue Size: Small
  • Texas Instrument 83PL/CLM/1L1/V
  • TI 83 Plus Calc Blue
$ 68.00 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Texas Instruments TI-89 Advanced Graphing Calculator
Texas Instruments TI-89 Advanced Graphing Calculator
Model: TI89 Type/Color: Black Size: Small
$ 178.99 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Texas Instruments Ti-84 Plus Graphing Calculator
Texas Instruments Ti-84 Plus Graphing Calculator
$ 94.95 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
* All prices incl. VAT, plus shipping if applicable. Prices, delivery times and costs may change in the meantime. The selection of products was made independently of the manufacturer and without any claim to completeness. All links to products are external partner links through which we may receive compensation. All information without guarantee.

Top Picks for Budget-Friendly Graphing Calculators

Students on a Budget
Looking for a graphing calculator that won't break the bank? We've gathered the best options for students who need reliable calculators for coursework without the hefty price tag. Check out our selections for cost-effective study aids.
Educators and Classrooms
Educators seeking bulk classroom supplies can find affordable graphing calculators right here. Our guide helps you choose models that balance price and functionality, ensuring your classroom is well-equipped.
Hobbyists & Casual Users
If you're a hobbyist or need a graphing calculator for occasional use, we've found options that provide the necessary features without extra cost. Discover our recommendations for casual or light users.

Questions You Might Ask

Important features to consider include the calculator's processing speed, memory (RAM/ROM), display quality (size, resolution, backlit or not), battery life, pre-installed software/functions, compatibility with standardized tests (e.g., SAT, ACT, AP), upgradeable operating system, and connectivity options (USB, wireless). Additionally, consider whether the calculator has CAS (Computer Algebra System) functionality if you need advanced algebraic operations.
Yes, many graphing calculators are allowed on standardized tests, but there are restrictions. For example, the SAT, ACT, and AP exams have lists of approved models, typically prohibiting calculators with CAS or QWERTY keyboards. It's crucial to check the specific guidelines of the standardized test you're planning to take before purchasing a calculator.
Graphing calculators can range from around $30 for basic models to over $150 for high-end devices with advanced features and CAS capabilities. The price often reflects the calculator’s performance and the range of functionalities it offers. Determine your needs and budget to find the best option.
A color display is not necessary, but it can greatly enhance readability and the distinction between different graphed functions. It's especially useful for subjects like calculus and statistics, where color-coding can assist in understanding complex problems. It also aids in 3D graphing. However, color displays can be more expensive and sometimes consume more battery power.
If you plan to study higher-level math, physics, engineering, or any other field that requires symbolic manipulation like solving equations and factoring expressions, a calculator with CAS can be extremely helpful. However, remember that CAS-enabled calculators are not permitted on all standardized tests, so consider your needs both for coursework and exams.

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How to Choose the Cheapest Graphing Calculator

Embarking on the quest to find the most affordable graphing calculator need not be daunting. Whether you're a student, a teacher, or simply a math enthusiast, you understand the importance of this tool in making complex calculations and plotting functions easy. But with the plethora of options out there, how do you ensure you're getting a trusty sidekick without breaking the bank? Let's unlock the secrets to finding the perfect balance between cost and functionality in your graphing calculator.

Understanding Your Needs

Before you dive into the sea of graphing calculators, pause to consider what features you really need. Do your math challenges involve high-level calculus or are you more into basic algebra? Your curriculum could dictate a specific model, so check with your course requirements. Remember, the more features you need, the higher the cost might climb. Start by making a list of the non-negotiable functions your calculator must have.
Additionally, take into account the exams for which you'll be using the calculator. Standardized tests like the SAT, ACT, or AP exams have approved lists of calculators. Ensure any model you're considering is compliant with these regulations to avoid last-minute scrambles. Lastly, consider future courses – opting for a slightly more advanced calculator now might save you from needing an upgrade later.

Feature Comparison

Graphing calculators range from basic models capable of plotting simple functions to high-end units with 3D graphing and color displays. In the spirit of frugality, compare the features versus the price tags. A monochrome display might serve you just as well as a color one for half the price. The same goes for memory capacity; unless you're handling very complex calculations, a standard memory size should suffice.
Battery life is another feature to consider. Long-lasting or rechargeable batteries can save on costs down the line. Also, check if the calculator has user-friendly interfaces, as you don't want to spend endless hours deciphering how to use your new tool. User reviews and tutorials can be incredibly helpful in determining the ease of use.

Cost-Saving Tips

To snag a deal, timing is everything. Look for back-to-school sales, Black Friday deals, or end-of-year clearances. Older models often get discounted when newer versions are released, so keep an eye out for those opportunities. Don't forget to check out refurbished or second-hand calculators, as they often come at a fraction of the cost – just make sure they're in good working condition and acceptable for your testing needs.
Another savvy move is to look into renting a graphing calculator, especially if you only need it for a short period. Some educational institutions also offer loaner programs, so explore those options. Lastly, consider sharing with a classmate if you're both in need of the same tech for the same class but at different times.

Warranty and Support

Even with a bargain calculator, you want to ensure it's protected should any defects arise. Check out the warranty that comes with the device and determine if it offers ample coverage for a reasonable amount of time. Ideally, opt for a calculator that comes with reliable customer support, which can be invaluable if you find yourself in a bind.
It can also be wise to choose a brand with a good reputation for durability and customer service. A cheaper calculator that breaks down frequently ends up costing more in the long term, both in repairs and in the time you lose. Sometimes investing a little more upfront for reliability pays off.

Hands-on Reviews and Recommendations from Discussion-Boards

In this section, we'll delve into a curated selection of resources related to the most affordable graphing calculators. Our research has led us to valuable content across various platforms, and we have organized our findings into four distinct categories for your convenience. You will find in-depth reviews, informative forum threads, engaging Reddit discussions, and explanatory videos, each offering insights and advice to help you make an informed decision when searching for a budget-friendly graphing calculator.
NumWorks is a modern graphing calculator that's fast, user-friendly, and easier to repair. Consumer Reports has the details.
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Don't settle for your phone's built-in app — give these top calculator apps a try
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Adafruit confirmed in a recent blog post that CircuitPython is officially installed on all new TI-84 Plus CE Python Graphing Calculators.
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Download PCalc - The Best Calculator for iOS to pCalc is the powerful choice for scientists, engineers, students, programmers, or indeed anybody looking for a feature rich calculator.
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Goodwill for Ti-83 Plus..usually around 30-40 bucks. Unless you need something that's from a Ti-84, then get a 83. Link to ...
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OfferUp has a bunch of TI-84's in my area. From $5 up to $220. I'm in a metro area though, you may not have as many if you live in a smaller...
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It's still about $130 USD. Upvote
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The TI -89 can be had on fleabay for about £30 here, and 25 dollars over there. That is probably the cheapest calculator you will get with CAS, ...
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You should look for a used TI -89. The original (not Titanium edition) don't go for much more than $20 bucks, even on eBay.
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NumWorks N0110: Still Worth it in 2022? (N0110 Review)
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The NumWorks N0110 is the latest graphing calculator from NumWorks, but is it better than the TI-84 Plus CE? In this video, I cover the pros...

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