The Most Popular Dead by Daylight YouTuber, Ranked

Choose the by Daylight YouTuber you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 31, 2024 08:02
The world of Dead by Daylight offers a thrilling gameplay experience that captivates a wide audience, and YouTubers dedicated to this game have created a rich community of shared strategies, horror tales, and entertainment. With many skilled and charismatic content creators, it can be challenging for newcomers to the game or even seasoned players to sift through the multitude of channels to find the most engaging and useful content. By participating in ranking the top Dead by Daylight YouTubers, users provide valuable insight into which creators are resonating with the community and delivering content that enhances their gaming experience. Each vote helps to shape a live leaderboard, reflecting real-time preferences and opinions, ensuring that the list remains relevant and up-to-date with the most appreciated guides, tips, and gameplay.

Who Is the Most Popular Dead by Daylight YouTuber?

  1. 1


    A skilled survivor main known for his escape skills and humorous content.
    • Specialty: Survivor gameplay and humor
  2. 2


    A Dead by Daylight streamer known for his high skill level and insightful commentary.
    • Known For: Skillful gameplay and analysis
  3. 3


    Famous for his entertaining and creative builds for both killers and survivors.
    • Unique Selling Point: Creative and unconventional builds
  4. 4


    Delivers a mix of educational and entertaining content, making the game approachable for new players.
    • Content Focus: Education and entertainment
  5. 5


    A talented player known for his killer gameplay, particularly with less popular killers.
    • Specializes In: Playing off-meta killers
  6. 6


    Creates a variety of content, including gameplay, updates, and news related to Dead by Daylight.
    • Content Variety: Gameplay, updates, news
  7. 7


    Popular for his deep understanding of the game mechanics and his ability to play both survivor and killer at a high level.
    • Content Type: Guides, gameplay, and analysis
  8. 8


    Known for his analytical approach to the game, breaking down strategies for killers and survivors.
    • Expertise: Analytical breakdowns and strategy
  9. 9


    Focuses on high-level killer gameplay, often showcasing how to play against the meta.
    • Main Content: Killer gameplay and strategy
  10. 10


    Offers insightful guides and tips for survivors, focusing on improving gameplay.
    • Focus Area: Survivor guides and tips

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Dead by Daylight YouTuber. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or YouTuber is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 104 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each YouTuber once every 24 hours. The rank of each YouTuber is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Dead by Daylight YouTuber

Many people enjoy watching Dead by Daylight content online. Among these, some YouTubers have gained significant popularity. They entertain and educate viewers about the game. The most popular ones often have a few things in common.

These YouTubers usually have a deep understanding of Dead by Daylight. They know the mechanics, characters, and strategies well. This knowledge allows them to create content that is both informative and engaging. Viewers can learn new tactics, discover hidden details, and improve their own gameplay by watching these videos.

Consistency is another key factor. Popular Dead by Daylight YouTubers often upload new content regularly. This keeps their audience engaged and coming back for more. They might post daily or a few times a week. Regular uploads help maintain viewer interest and grow their subscriber base.

High-quality production is also important. These YouTubers invest in good equipment. Clear audio, sharp video, and smooth editing make their content enjoyable to watch. They often use engaging thumbnails and titles to attract viewers. Good production values set them apart from less polished channels.

Personality plays a big role too. Popular YouTubers have unique, engaging personalities. They might be funny, insightful, or charismatic. Their commentary adds value to the gameplay footage. This personal touch helps build a connection with the audience. Viewers feel like they know the YouTuber and enjoy spending time with them.

Interaction with viewers is another common trait. These YouTubers often respond to comments and engage with their audience on social media. They might host live streams or Q&A sessions. This interaction builds a sense of community. Fans feel valued and more connected to the content creator.

Many top Dead by Daylight YouTubers also collaborate with others. They might team up for special videos or events. Collaborations can introduce their channel to new audiences. It also adds variety to their content, keeping it fresh and interesting.

In addition to gameplay videos, these YouTubers often create a range of content. They might post tutorials, tier lists, or news updates. Some create lore videos or discuss game updates and patches. This variety keeps their channel dynamic and caters to different viewer interests.

Being part of the Dead by Daylight community helps too. These YouTubers stay up-to-date with game changes and community trends. They participate in discussions and events. This involvement helps them create relevant content that resonates with their audience.

Finally, passion for the game is evident in their videos. They enjoy playing Dead by Daylight and sharing their experiences. This enthusiasm is contagious. It inspires viewers to play the game and engage with the content.

In summary, the most popular Dead by Daylight YouTubers share common traits. They have deep game knowledge, consistent uploads, high-quality production, engaging personalities, viewer interaction, collaborations, varied content, community involvement, and a passion for the game. These elements combine to create compelling content that attracts and retains a large audience.

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