The Most Popular Food in Togo, Ranked

Choose the food you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 8, 2024 06:54
When visiting a new country, one of the most intriguing aspects can be the local cuisine. For travelers to Togo, understanding which dishes are cherished by locals can greatly enhance their culinary experience. A ranked list of popular foods provides insight into cultural preferences and can be a valuable tool for anyone looking to immerse themselves in local dining traditions. This interactive ranking system allows enthusiasts and newcomers alike to participate by voting on their favorite dishes, helping to paint a clearer picture of Togo’s gastronomic landscape. Whether you are a resident with a penchant for culinary delights or a visitor eager to experience authentic flavors, your participation helps ensure the list remains accurate and representative of true local tastes.

What Is the Most Popular Food in Togo?

  1. 1


    A staple food across West Africa, made by boiling starchy foods like cassava, yams, or plantains and then pounding them into a dough-like consistency.
    • Main Ingredients: Cassava, Yams, Plantains
    • Serving: Often served with soups or stews
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    A corn or millet dough served with sauces or soups, similar to Fufu but with a different base.
    • Main Ingredients: Corn or Millet
    • Serving: With sauces or soups
  3. 3


    Also known as 'Banku', it's a fermented corn and cassava dough, served with soup or stew.
    • Main Ingredients: Corn and Cassava Dough
    • Texture: Smooth and Stretchy
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    A traditional dish made from bushmeat, specifically the grasscutter rat, considered a delicacy in Togo.
    • Type of Meat: Bushmeat (Grasscutter Rat)
    • Status: Delicacy
  5. 5

    Jollof Rice

    A popular West African dish made with rice, tomatoes, and various spices, often including fish, meat, or vegetables.
    • Main Ingredients: Rice, Tomatoes, Spices
    • Variations: Fish, Meat, Vegetables
  6. 6

    Yovo Doko

    Fried dough balls, a popular street food in Togo, often served as a snack or breakfast item.
    • Texture: Crispy on the outside, soft inside
    • Serving Time: Snack or Breakfast
  7. 7

    Gboma Dessi

    A traditional spinach stew made with meat (often goat or fish), tomatoes, and spices.
    • Main Ingredients: Spinach, Meat, Tomatoes, Spices
    • Commonly Served With: Rice or Fufu
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    A tomato-based corn dough dish, often accompanied by fried fish and a spicy sauce.
    • Main Ingredients: Corn Dough, Tomatoes
    • Accompaniments: Fried Fish, Spicy Sauce
  9. 9

    Grilled Tilapia

    Fresh tilapia fish seasoned and grilled, often served with spicy sauces.
    • Preparation: Seasoned and Grilled
    • Serving: With Spicy Sauces
  10. 10


    A sour beer made from fermented millet, unique to the northern regions of Togo.
    • Base Ingredient: Millet
    • Flavor: Sour

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular food in Togo. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or food is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 91 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each food once every 24 hours. The rank of each food is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Food in Togo

Rank #1 for the most popular food in Togo: Fufu (Source)
Togo, a small country in West Africa, has a rich culinary tradition. The food reflects the diverse cultures and history of the region. The cuisine combines local ingredients with influences from neighboring countries and colonial history.

The staple foods in Togo come from the land. People grow crops like maize, millet, and cassava. These crops form the base of many dishes. The preparation methods vary, giving each dish a unique flavor and texture.

Fish is a common ingredient in many Togolese dishes. The country has a coastline along the Atlantic Ocean. Fishing is an important part of life for many Togolese. Fresh fish is often grilled or fried. It can also be dried or smoked for preservation.

Meat is also popular in Togo. Common meats include chicken, goat, and beef. People often marinate the meat in spices before cooking it. The spices used can include ginger, garlic, and chili. This gives the meat a rich and aromatic flavor.

Vegetables play a key role in the diet. Common vegetables include tomatoes, onions, and okra. These are often used in stews and soups. Leafy greens are also popular. They are usually cooked with a bit of oil and spices.

Togolese cuisine often includes legumes. Beans and peanuts are common. They provide a good source of protein. Beans are often cooked in stews. Peanuts are used in sauces and snacks.

The food in Togo is often spicy. People use a variety of peppers to add heat to their dishes. The level of spiciness can vary. Some dishes are very hot, while others have a milder flavor.

Street food is a big part of the food culture in Togo. Vendors sell a variety of snacks and meals. These can include fried dough, grilled meat, and fresh fruit. Street food is often cheap and convenient. It is a great way to experience local flavors.

Eating in Togo is often a communal activity. Meals are usually shared with family and friends. It is common to see large groups of people eating together. This reflects the strong sense of community in Togolese culture.

The food in Togo is not just about sustenance. It is also a way to celebrate and bring people together. Special dishes are prepared for festivals and ceremonies. These dishes often have symbolic meanings. They can represent prosperity, fertility, or good fortune.

Togolese cuisine is a blend of tradition and innovation. While many dishes have been passed down through generations, new influences continue to shape the food. This dynamic culinary landscape makes Togo's food both unique and diverse.

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