The Most Popular High School, Ranked

Choose the high school you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 31, 2024 06:58
Choosing the right high school can be a pivotal decision in a student's educational journey. With each school offering a unique mix of academic rigor, extracurricular opportunities, and community environment, the popularity of these institutions becomes a focus of interest. A comprehensive list that ranks high schools based on widespread appreciation provides a clear picture of where these schools stand in public opinion. By participating in the voting process, users contribute to a greater understanding of what makes a high school appealing to students, parents, and educators. This ongoing interaction ensures the rankings reflect current trends and preferences, helping future students and their families make informed decisions. Each vote helps shape a dynamic overview of which schools are meeting the expectations and needs of their communities.

What Is the Most Popular High School?

  1. 1

    Phillips Exeter Academy

    An elite, independent, coeducational boarding school in Exeter, New Hampshire.
    • Founded: 1781
    • Enrollment: 1,085
  2. 2

    Harvard-Westlake School

    A private, coeducational college preparatory school for grades 7-12 in Los Angeles, California.
    • Founded: 1900
    • Enrollment: 1,600
  3. 3

    Phillips Academy Andover

    A prestigious private, co-educational university-preparatory school in Andover, Massachusetts.
    • Founded: 1778
    • Enrollment: 1,150
  4. 4

    Trinity School

    A highly selective, coeducational independent day school located in New York City.
    • Founded: 1709
    • Enrollment: 1,001
  5. 5

    St. Paul's School

    An elite boarding school in Concord, New Hampshire, offering an intensive college-preparatory curriculum for grades 9-12.
    • Founded: 1856
    • Enrollment: 539
  6. 6

    The Lawrenceville School

    A coeducational, independent college preparatory boarding school in Lawrenceville, New Jersey.
    • Founded: 1810
    • Enrollment: 817
  7. 7

    The Dalton School

    A private, coeducational college preparatory school in New York City, known for its progressive education.
    • Founded: 1919
    • Enrollment: 1,300
  8. 8

    Choate Rosemary Hall

    A private, coeducational, college preparatory boarding school in Wallingford, Connecticut.
    • Founded: 1890
    • Enrollment: 850
  9. 9

    Horace Mann School

    A highly selective independent college preparatory school in the Bronx, affiliated with Columbia University.
    • Founded: 1887
    • Enrollment: 1,700
  10. 10

    The Hotchkiss School

    A private, coeducational boarding school located in Lakeville, Connecticut, offering a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum.
    • Founded: 1891
    • Enrollment: 600

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular high school. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or School is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 70 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each School once every 24 hours. The rank of each School is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular High School

Phillips Exeter Academy
Rank #1 for the most popular high school: Phillips Exeter Academy (Source)
High school plays a crucial role in shaping young minds. It is a time of growth, learning, and making memories. The most popular high schools often share common features that draw students and parents alike.

These schools have a strong academic reputation. They offer a wide range of courses to challenge students. Advanced Placement (AP) and honors classes are common. These courses prepare students for college. Strong academics help students gain admission to top colleges.

Extracurricular activities also play a big role. Popular high schools offer many clubs and sports teams. This allows students to explore interests outside the classroom. Sports teams often compete at high levels. This brings a sense of pride to the school. Clubs range from science and math to arts and drama. These activities help students develop new skills and make friends.

Good facilities are another key feature. Popular high schools often have modern classrooms, labs, and libraries. They may also have impressive sports facilities. This includes gyms, fields, and courts. These facilities support both academic and extracurricular activities.

Teachers at these schools are often highly qualified. They bring experience and enthusiasm to the classroom. Good teachers inspire students to learn and achieve. They also provide support and guidance. This helps students navigate high school challenges.

Community involvement is also important. Popular high schools often have strong ties to the local community. Parents and local businesses may support the school. This can include volunteering, donations, or partnerships. A supportive community enhances the school experience.

Safety is a top priority. Popular high schools take steps to ensure a safe environment. This includes having security measures in place. A safe school helps students focus on learning and growing.

Diversity is another common trait. These schools often have a mix of students from different backgrounds. This creates a rich learning environment. Students learn to appreciate different cultures and perspectives. Diversity also prepares students for the real world.

Technology plays a role in modern education. Popular high schools often have up-to-date tech resources. This includes computers, tablets, and smartboards. Technology enhances learning and keeps students engaged.

A strong sense of school spirit is also common. Students and staff take pride in their school. This creates a positive atmosphere. School events, like pep rallies and dances, boost morale. A strong school spirit fosters a sense of belonging.

Guidance and support services are vital. Popular high schools offer resources to help students succeed. This includes academic advising, college counseling, and mental health support. These services ensure students have the help they need.

High schools with these features often rank high in popularity. They provide a well-rounded education. Students leave prepared for college and beyond. The combination of strong academics, extracurriculars, facilities, and support creates an environment where students thrive.

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