The Most Popular Pink Floyd Song, Ranked

Choose the song you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 24, 2024 07:01
Fans of Pink Floyd may find it challenging to agree on which song from their extensive catalog stands out as the most iconic. Different tracks resonate uniquely depending on one's personal experiences and the context in which they first heard the music. A ranking system helps clarify which songs have touched the most listeners and why they continue to be celebrated over the years. By participating in this voting process, each fan contributes to a broader understanding of the band's impact on diverse audiences. As votes accumulate, the rankings provide a dynamic reflection of collective preferences and musical influences. This continual fan input ensures the rankings stay current, reflecting both the timeless nature of the music and the evolving tastes of listeners.

What Is the Most Popular Pink Floyd Song?

  1. 1

    Wish You Were Here

    A title track from the 1975 album, renowned for its nostalgic and emotional lyrics.
    • Album: Wish You Were Here
    • Release Year: 1975
  2. 2

    Comfortably Numb

    Famous for its two guitar solos, this song is from the 1979 album 'The Wall'.
    • Album: The Wall
    • Release Year: 1979
  3. 3


    Known for its distinctive bass line and critique of consumerism, from 'The Dark Side of the Moon'.
    • Album: The Dark Side of the Moon
    • Release Year: 1973
  4. 4


    Featuring the sounds of clocks ticking, it's a meditation on the passage of time from the album 'The Dark Side of the Moon'.
    • Album: The Dark Side of the Moon
    • Release Year: 1973
  5. 5


    A 23-minute epic from the album 'Meddle', showcasing the band's experimental side.
    • Album: Meddle
    • Release Year: 1971
  6. 6

    Shine On You Crazy Diamond

    A tribute to former band member Syd Barrett, this song is split into nine parts across the album 'Wish You Were Here'.
    • Album: Wish You Were Here
    • Release Year: 1975
  7. 7

    High Hopes

    The closing track of Pink Floyd's fourteenth studio album, 'The Division Bell', featuring a nostalgic and reflective mood.
    • Album: The Division Bell
    • Release Year: 1994
  8. 8

    Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2

    Known for its critique of rigid schooling, it's arguably the band's most famous song.
    • Album: The Wall
    • Release Year: 1979
  9. 9

    Brain Damage

    The penultimate track on 'The Dark Side of the Moon', dealing with themes of insanity.
    • Album: The Dark Side of the Moon
    • Release Year: 1973
  10. 10

    Hey You

    A song from 'The Wall' that explores isolation and despair.
    • Album: The Wall
    • Release Year: 1979

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Pink Floyd song. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or song is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 173 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each song once every 24 hours. The rank of each song is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Pink Floyd Song

Wish You Were Here
Rank #1 for the most popular Pink Floyd song: Wish You Were Here (Source)
Pink Floyd, a British rock band formed in 1965, has produced many iconic songs. Their music often explores deep themes and complex emotions. The band members included Syd Barrett, Roger Waters, Richard Wright, Nick Mason, and David Gilmour. Each member brought unique talents to the group, shaping their distinct sound.

The band started with a psychedelic rock style. Syd Barrett's influence was strong in their early work. His departure due to mental health issues led to changes in their music. David Gilmour joined, and the band's style evolved. They began to explore progressive rock, which became their hallmark.

One song stands out as their most popular. It reflects the band's journey and their exploration of human experience. The lyrics delve into themes of time, loss, and existential reflection. The music combines rock with symphonic elements, creating a rich, layered sound.

The song's success is due to its universal themes. People connect with its message on a personal level. Its lyrics speak to the passage of time and the fleeting nature of life. The music's structure enhances this message, with a blend of haunting melodies and powerful guitar solos.

The band recorded this song during a period of creative peak. They used new recording techniques and technologies. This allowed them to create a sound that was ahead of its time. The production quality contributed to the song's lasting impact.

The song's popularity has endured over the decades. It remains a staple on classic rock radio. Many artists have covered it, showing its influence. The song also appears in films, TV shows, and commercials. This widespread use has introduced it to new generations.

Live performances of the song have become legendary. The band often included it in their setlists. Their concerts featured elaborate light shows and visual effects. These elements enhanced the song's emotional impact. Fans recall these performances as some of the best in rock history.

The song's success also lies in its simplicity. Despite its complex themes, the music is accessible. The melody is memorable, and the lyrics are easy to understand. This balance of depth and simplicity makes it appealing to a wide audience.

The band members have reflected on the song's creation in interviews. They discuss the collaborative process and the inspirations behind it. Their insights reveal the thought and care that went into making the song. This behind-the-scenes look adds to the song's mystique.

The song's legacy continues to grow. It has inspired countless musicians and fans. Its themes remain relevant, resonating with people of all ages. The band's ability to capture the human experience in music is a testament to their talent.

Pink Floyd's most popular song is a masterpiece. It captures the essence of the band's artistry. Its impact on music and culture is undeniable. The song stands as a timeless piece of rock history.

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