The Most Popular Surname in Barbados, Ranked

Choose the surname you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 27, 2024 07:16
Identifying the most common surname in Barbados can provide interesting insights into the cultural and historical influences on the island. By examining which surnames are most prevalent, we can trace back to origins and migration patterns that have shaped the demographics of Barbados. This information can be particularly useful for genealogists, researchers, or anyone with a keen interest in sociocultural dynamics. On this site, your votes contribute to creating a live ranking of the most popular Barbadian surnames. Each vote helps paint a clearer picture of surname popularity and its changes over time. Participating in the ranking not only adds to the accuracy and richness of the data but also engages you directly in uncovering and preserving the names that carry the stories of many generations.

What Is the Most Popular Surname in Barbados?

  1. 1


    The most common surname in Barbados.
    • Origin: English
    • Meaning: Clerk or scribe
  2. 2


    A widely found surname in Barbados, suggesting Welsh roots.
    • Origin: Welsh
    • Meaning: Strong chief
  3. 3


    A common surname in Barbados, suggesting English lineage.
    • Origin: English
    • Meaning: Occupier of land
  4. 4


    A prevalent surname in Barbados, indicating a possible British heritage.
    • Origin: English
    • Meaning: Color-based surname
  5. 5


    A frequent surname in Barbados, with origins in Old English.
    • Origin: Old Norse, Old English
    • Meaning: Broad clearing
  6. 6


    A popular surname in Barbados, possibly indicating British lineage.
    • Origin: English
    • Meaning: Green ridge
  7. 7


    A popular surname in Barbados, reflecting English ancestry.
    • Origin: English
    • Meaning: Best or beast
  8. 8


    A prevalent surname in Barbados, possibly indicating British roots.
    • Origin: English
    • Meaning: Hunter
  9. 9


    A common surname in Barbados, reflecting English ancestry.
    • Origin: English, Welsh
    • Meaning: Son of Harry
  10. 10


    A common surname in Barbados, indicating a possible English heritage.
    • Origin: English
    • Meaning: Priest's cottage

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular surname in Barbados. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Last is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 72 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Last once every 24 hours. The rank of each Last is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Surname in Barbados

Barbados is a small island nation in the Caribbean. Its history is rich and diverse. The people of Barbados, known as Bajans, have a unique culture shaped by African, European, and Indigenous influences. One aspect of this culture is the surnames carried by its people.

Surnames in Barbados have a complex history. They often reflect the island's colonial past. During the time of British rule, many enslaved Africans were brought to Barbados. These individuals did not have surnames when they arrived. Often, they were given the surnames of their owners or overseers. This practice led to many Bajans sharing common surnames today.

After slavery was abolished, many freed individuals kept the surnames they had been given. Over time, these names became part of the island's cultural fabric. Today, certain surnames are very common in Barbados. They can often be traced back to the plantation era.

In addition to British influences, there are also surnames of Irish and Scottish origin. Many indentured servants from these regions came to Barbados in the 17th century. They, too, left their mark on the island's naming conventions.

The most popular surname in Barbados today reflects this blend of influences. It is a name that has been carried through generations. It stands as a testament to the island's history and the resilience of its people.

Family names in Barbados often carry significant meaning. They can denote lineage, heritage, and a sense of belonging. For many Bajans, their surname is a link to the past. It connects them to their ancestors and to the broader history of the island.

The process of tracing one's surname can reveal much about personal and collective history. Many Bajans take pride in learning about their family names. They often find connections to other families and to historical events.

While some surnames are more common than others, each name tells a story. It reflects the journey of the people who carried it. It speaks to the struggles and triumphs of the past.

In the modern era, surnames in Barbados continue to evolve. New names are introduced as people from different parts of the world come to the island. However, the most popular surname remains a constant. It is a reminder of the island's enduring legacy and the shared history of its people.

The story of surnames in Barbados is a microcosm of the island's broader narrative. It reflects the blending of cultures and the impact of historical events. It shows how the past continues to shape the present.

Understanding the significance of surnames in Barbados offers insight into the island's culture. It highlights the importance of history and heritage in shaping identity. For many Bajans, their surname is more than just a name. It is a symbol of their connection to the island and to each other.

In conclusion, the most popular surname in Barbados is a reflection of its rich history. It tells a story of resilience, adaptation, and continuity. It is a key part of the island's cultural identity.

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