The Most Popular Teledrama in Sri Lanka, Ranked

Choose the teledrama you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 26, 2024 07:17
Teledramas hold a special place in the hearts of many in Sri Lanka, serving as a reflection of societal norms, values, and the everyday challenges faced by its people. As viewers, selecting a favorite can often be more than a preference; it's a way to connect with stories that resonate on a personal and communal level. This context underscores the importance of a ranking system where fans can actively participate in elevating the shows that strike the deepest chords. By participating in such rankings, viewers not only share their opinions but also influence what is considered top-tier entertainment within a cultural framework. This list, fueled by your votes, adjusts in real-time, providing a dynamic reflection of what is currently trending in the teledrama scene. Your input ensures that the list remains relevant and representative of the diverse tastes among the viewing audience.

What Is the Most Popular Teledrama in Sri Lanka?

  1. 1


    A crime thriller that revolves around the life of Jehan Fernando, who gets caught up in a web of crime and survival.
    • Genre: Crime, Thriller
    • Original release: 2007-2008
  2. 2

    Ahas Maliga

    A drama series that explores the lives of different characters from various backgrounds and their interconnected stories.
    • Genre: Drama
    • Original release: 2018-present
  3. 3

    Deweni Inima

    A drama that tells the story of a cricket player and his life's challenges and successes.
    • Genre: Drama
    • Original release: 2017-present
  4. 4

    Abitha Diyaniya

    A dubbed version of 'Dong Yi', another South Korean historical drama that gained massive popularity in Sri Lanka.
    • Genre: Historical, Drama
    • Original release: 2010-2011
  5. 5

    Sujatha Diyani

    A Sri Lankan broadcast of the South Korean historical drama 'Jewel in the Palace', which tells the tale of an orphaned kitchen cook who becomes the king's first female physician.
    • Genre: Historical, Drama
    • Original release: 2003-2004
  6. 6

    Yahapath Maharaja

    A drama series that follows the life of a businessman and the various challenges he faces.
    • Genre: Drama
    • Original release: 2012-2013
  7. 7


    A children's teledrama that revolves around a young boy named Sidu and his adventures.
    • Genre: Children, Drama
    • Original release: 2016-present
  8. 8


    A long-running teledrama in Sri Lanka that tells the story of a woman named Paba and her life's journey.
    • Genre: Drama
    • Original release: 2008-2012
  9. 9

    Dae Jang Geum

    A South Korean historical drama that became immensely popular in Sri Lanka, showcasing the life of the first female royal physician of the Joseon Dynasty.
    • Genre: Historical, Drama
    • Original release: 2003-2004
  10. 10

    Isiwara Wedaduru

    A fantasy drama series that delves into traditional Sri Lankan folklore and mythology.
    • Genre: Fantasy, Drama
    • Original release: 2013-2014

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular teledrama in Sri Lanka. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or teledrama is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 74 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each teledrama once every 24 hours. The rank of each teledrama is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Teledrama in Sri Lanka

Rank #1 for the most popular teledrama in Sri Lanka: Koombiyo (Source)
Teledramas hold a special place in Sri Lankan culture. They attract large audiences and spark lively discussions. Families gather in front of the TV to watch their favorite shows. These dramas often reflect everyday life, making them relatable to many.

The popularity of teledramas in Sri Lanka dates back several decades. They began as simple productions but have grown in complexity and quality. Early teledramas were often adaptations of classic literature. Over time, original stories gained prominence. These stories touch on themes like love, betrayal, and family dynamics.

A key factor in their popularity is the relatable characters. Viewers see themselves in these characters, which strengthens their connection to the story. The actors who play these roles become household names. Their performances are widely discussed and critiqued.

Another reason for the success of teledramas is the emotional depth they offer. They explore human emotions in a way that resonates with viewers. The stories often include dramatic twists and turns. This keeps the audience engaged and eager for the next episode.

The production quality of teledramas has improved over the years. Early productions had limited budgets and resources. Modern teledramas benefit from better technology and skilled professionals. This has led to higher-quality visuals and sound.

Music also plays a crucial role in teledramas. Theme songs become hits and are often played on the radio. These songs help set the tone for the show and enhance the emotional impact. Composers and singers gain fame through their work on these dramas.

Teledramas are not just entertainment; they also address social issues. They highlight problems like domestic violence, drug abuse, and corruption. By doing so, they raise awareness and encourage dialogue. This makes them an important part of the cultural landscape.

The rise of digital platforms has changed how people watch teledramas. Many viewers now stream episodes online. This allows them to watch at their convenience. It also broadens the audience, reaching Sri Lankans living abroad.

Advertising plays a significant role in the teledrama industry. Companies sponsor shows and place ads during commercial breaks. This provides funding for production and helps keep the industry thriving.

The future of teledramas looks bright. New talent continues to emerge, bringing fresh ideas and perspectives. Advances in technology will likely further enhance production quality. As long as they continue to resonate with viewers, teledramas will remain a beloved part of Sri Lankan culture.

In summary, teledramas are a vital part of life in Sri Lanka. They offer relatable stories, emotional depth, and social commentary. With their ever-improving quality and growing audience, they are set to remain popular for years to come.

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