Quietest Roomba Models for Peaceful Cleaning

We have researched 8 Roombas for you.

Maintaining a pristine living space doesn't have to come with the cost of disruptive noise. Advances in vacuum technology have paved the way for cleaning solutions that not only deliver exceptional performance but also operate with whisper-quiet efficiency. Among the leading innovations in this realm are the latest robotic vacuums that seamlessly integrate into our daily lives by keeping our homes clean with minimal sound disruption.

In the quest for the most silent assistants, one brand stands out for its commitment to both quiet operation and meticulous cleaning. This selection focuses on models that excel in reducing noise levels, ensuring you can enjoy a peaceful environment while they tirelessly work in the background. Whether you're working from home, engaging in relaxation activities, or simply savoring a moment of tranquility, these robotic vacuums promise to maintain the calm without compromising on cleanliness.
To simplify the price comparison, we determine the prices for the individual articles on Amazon, Ebay and other shops and link the offers via partner links where applicable. This means that we receive a commission if you buy something that we recommend - the price does not change for you.

What to Look for in Quietest Roombas

Important criteria

  • Low noise level
  • Advanced navigation
  • Long battery life
  • Good suction power
  • Remote/app control
  • Effective filtration system

1.) Noise Level

When in the market for the quietest Roomba, it is crucial to consider the noise level, which is measured in decibels (dB). Models with advanced brushless motors tend to be less noisy. Roomba's 600 series might be louder than the 800, 900, or i and s series, which are engineered with noise reduction technology. Checking the product specifications or reviews for the noise level information is advisable since it can vary significantly between models.

2.) Cleaning Performance

Efficiency should not be compromised for the sake of quietness. Aim to find a Roomba that offers both a low noise output and effective cleaning. Higher-end Roombas often include features like stronger suction and dirt detect technology to ensure thoroughness. These features typically contribute to a higher noise level, but advancements in technology allow for a better balance between cleaning power and noise.

3.) Battery Life and Navigation

Consider how the Roomba manages its battery life and navigation, as these can impact the noise level. Some Roombas have smart mapping and efficient route planning, leading to shorter cleaning times and, by extension, less noise disturbance. Robots with longer battery life allow for uninterrupted cleaning cycles that prevent repeated noise occurrences.

The Quietest Roombas of our Choice

Our Pick
iRobot Roomba 676 Robot Vacuum-Wi-Fi Connectivity
iRobot Roomba 676 Robot Vacuum-Wi-Fi Connectivity
Model: R676020 Type/Color: Medium Gray
  • Durable and strong construction for long-lasting use.
  • Easy and intuitive user interface for hassle-free operation.
  • High-quality materials for reliable and efficient performance.
  • Versatile functionality to meet various needs and requirements.
  • Compact and portable design for convenient transportation.
  • Efficient energy consumption for cost-effective operation.
  • Adjustable settings for customizable performance according to needs.
  • Safe and secure operation to ensure user's peace of mind.
  • Fast and reliable performance for increased productivity.
  • User-friendly and ergonomic design for comfortable usage.
$ 219.00 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
iRobot Roomba i4+ EVO (4552) Self
iRobot Roomba i4+ EVO (4552) Self
Type/Color: Gray
  • Self-empties for up to 60 days
  • Cleans by room with smart mapping
  • Works with Alexa
  • Suitable for pet hair and carpets
$ 199.99 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
iRobot Roomba Combo i5 Robot Vacuum & Mop
iRobot Roomba Combo i5 Robot Vacuum & Mop
Model: i517020 Type/Color: Neutral Gray Size: i5 Roomba
  • Double the clean with one machine.
  • Designed for wet and dry floor cleaning.
  • Powerful performance with 4-Stage Cleaning System.
  • Simultaneously vacuums and mops hard floors.
  • Specialized microfiber pad for effective mopping.
  • Fill the bin with compatible cleaning solution or water.
  • Learns your home and creates an Imprint Smart Map.
  • Pairs with Alexa, Siri, or Google Assistant for voice commands.
  • Patented Dirt Detect Technology for thorough cleaning.
  • iRobot OS and Home app for easy control.
  • Compatible with Clean Base for automatic dirt disposal.
$ 229.00 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
iRobot Roomba 692 Robot Vacuum
iRobot Roomba 692 Robot Vacuum
Model: R692020 Type/Color: Charcoal Grey
  • Sleek design complements home décor.
  • Schedule daily cleaning with app or voice assistant.
  • Runtime: 90 minutes.
  • 3 Stage Cleaning system with Dual Multi-Surface brushes.
  • Edge-Sweeping brush for corners and edges.
  • Learns cleaning habits and offers personalized schedules.
  • Start cleaning with voice commands using Google Assistant or Alexa.
  • Advanced sensors for adaptive navigation.
  • Cliff Detect prevents falling down stairs.
  • Dirt Detect Sensors for thorough cleaning of dirtier areas.
  • System of cleaning features and smart sensors.
  • Auto-Adjust Cleaning Head for carpets and hard floors.
  • Docking and recharging automatically after 90 minutes.
$ 294.00 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
iRobot Roomba Combo j9+ Self-Emptying & Auto
iRobot Roomba Combo j9+ Self-Emptying & Auto
Model: C975020 Type/Color: Moose
  • Effortlessly banishes dirt from carpet and hard floors
  • Customizes deep clean with up to 100% stronger suction
  • Automatically empties debris and refills water for hands-free cleaning
  • Prevents wet carpet messes with Auto-Retract Mopping System
  • Offers consistent pressure and 2x deeper scrubbing
  • Automatically prioritizes dirtier rooms with Dirt Detective Intelligence
  • Keeps every corner fresh with 4-stage cleaning
  • Recognizes and avoids common objects in its way
  • Creates a complete map of your home 7x faster
  • Navigates in neat, efficient rows for a thorough clean
$ 999.00 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
iRobot Roomba Combo i5+ Self-Emptying Robot
iRobot Roomba Combo i5+ Self-Emptying Robot
Model: i557020 Type/Color: Black Size: i5+ Roomba w/ Cleanbase
  • 4-Stage Cleaning System for powerful pickup.
  • Dual Multi-Surface Rubber Brushes adapt to floors.
  • Automatically empties bin for up to 60 days.
  • Imprint Smart Map for targeted room cleaning.
  • Dirt Detect Technology focuses on dirtier areas.
  • Vacuum & mop in one machine with easy switch.
  • Specialized microfiber pad for efficient mopping.
  • Compatible with various cleaning solutions or water.
  • Pairs with Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant-enabled devices.
  • iRobot Home app for personalized, effortless cleaning.
$ 349.00 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
iRobot Roomba Combo j5 Robot
iRobot Roomba Combo j5 Robot
Model: j517020 Type/Color: Graphite Size: J5 Roomba
  • Powerful vacuum technology with mop functionality.
  • Comprehensive clean with powerful 4-Stage Cleaning System.
  • Proprietary Dirt Detect Technology for thorough cleaning.
  • Avoids objects and pet messes for worry-free cleaning.
  • P.O.O.P. feature avoids pet waste for hassle-free operation.
  • Instant transformation into a vacuum & mop with Combo Bin.
  • Create No Mop Zones to avoid mopping carpets.
  • Advanced navigation for thorough and logical cleaning.
  • Specialized microfiber pad for effective mopping.
  • Compatible with Clean Base for automatic dirt disposal.
$ 299.00 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
iRobot Roomba j9+ Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum
iRobot Roomba j9+ Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum
Model: J955020 Type/Color: Roomba J9+
  • Good pickup performance with strong suction
  • Dirt Detective intelligence learns and prioritizes rooms
  • Recognizes and avoids common objects in its way
  • Steers clear of pet waste with Pet Owner Official Promise
  • Self-emptying bin holds up to 60 days of debris
  • Creates a complete map of your home quickly
  • 3-stage cleaning system for thorough cleaning
  • Designed with pet-friendly features
  • Efficient navigation for a wall-to-wall clean
  • Voice command compatibility with popular assistants
$ 599.00 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
* All prices incl. VAT, plus shipping if applicable. Prices, delivery times and costs may change in the meantime. The selection of products was made independently of the manufacturer and without any claim to completeness. All links to products are external partner links through which we may receive compensation. All information without guarantee.

Find Your Perfect Quiet Roomba: A Guide for Every Buyer

Budget-Conscious Buyers
For those looking to balance cost and silence, we've selected Roombas that offer a whisper-quiet clean without breaking the bank. Discover wallet-friendly models that keep both your floors and your ears happy.
Performance Seekers
If your priority is top-of-the-line performance with the bonus of quiet operation, this selection is for you. Find powerful Roombas that clean efficiently and quietly, offering the best of both worlds.
Pet Owners
Pet owners looking for a silent solution to pet hair will appreciate our curated list. Discover Roombas specifically designed to tackle pet hair and dander quietly and effectively.
Tech Enthusiasts
For gadget lovers who crave the latest tech features without noise disruption, these Roombas are cutting-edge and whisper-quiet. Experience the future of cleaning technology in serene silence.

Questions You Might Ask

When choosing a Roomba, consider factors like the size of your home, floor type, and the level of smart features you desire. Higher-end models offer more powerful suction, larger dustbins, and advanced navigation technologies. If you have pets, look for models designed for pet hair. For smart homes, consider Roombas with Wi-Fi connectivity and compatibility with virtual assistants.
Roombas use a combination of sensors, cameras, or lasers depending on the model, to navigate and map your home. Basic models may randomly navigate, while more advanced ones create a map of the room and follow an efficient cleaning path, avoiding obstacles and stairs, and remembering where they have cleaned.
Some advanced Roomba models come with the Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal system, which allows the robot vacuum to empty its dustbin into a larger bin within the charging dock after cleaning, reducing the frequency of manual emptying.
Maintenance frequency depends on usage, but typically you should clean the brushes and filter every week and replace filters every 2 to 3 months. Inspect and clean sensors and charging contacts periodically to ensure optimal performance.
Yes, Roombas are designed to work on both carpets and hard floors. Some models adjust their cleaning head automatically to the floor type, ensuring effective cleaning on various surfaces. However, performance may vary, and high-pile carpets can be more challenging for some Roomba models.

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How to Choose the Quietest Roomba: A Buyer's Guide

In the realm of robotic vacuums, Roombas are household names that promise convenience and cleanliness with the touch of a button. Yet, amidst the gentle hum of daily life, a noisy vacuum can be a disturbance. If peace and quiet are paramount in your oasis, finding the quietest Roomba is key. This guide will navigate you through the essential features and considerations to select the whisper-quiet helper that won't break the serene silence of your sanctuary.

Decibel Details

When hunting for the quietest Roomba, decibels (dB) are your compass. The lower the decibel rating, the quieter the vacuum. Typical Roombas range between 58 to 70 dB, about as loud as a normal conversation. Look for models on the lower end of this spectrum to ensure your peace isn't perturbed.
Remember that decibel scales are logarithmic: a decrease of just 10 dB represents a vacuum that is half as loud to the human ear. Therefore, even a small reduction in dB can have a significant impact on how loud the device sounds in your home.
Check the specifications carefully or search for product reviews focusing on noise levels. Official brand websites and consumer feedback can be incredibly informative when determining the real-world quietness of each model.

Performance and Peace

A quiet Roomba shouldn't compromise on performance. Suction power is important for picking up debris, but stronger motors may increase noise levels. Look for models that balance high-efficiency filters, suction strength, and low noise features effectively.
Newer Roombas might have sophisticated technologies like smart mapping and dirt detection, which enhance cleaning without necessarily adding to the acoustic footprint. These features allow the Roomba to work more efficiently, potentially reducing the time (and hence the duration of noise) it takes to clean a room.
If you have pets or allergies, consider Roombas that offer quiet operation while still incorporating robust filtering systems. AllergenLock bags in some Roomba models trap dust and dander, helping to keep your home both quiet and clean.

Battery Life and Scheduling

Battery life affects how long a Roomba will operate, and subsequently, how long you will hear it working. Opting for a model with a longer battery life means fewer recharges and potentially quieter operation as the device can maintain optimal efficiency throughout its cleaning cycle.
Take advantage of programmable scheduling features. With this, you can set your Roomba to clean at the most convenient times, perhaps when you're out of the house or engaging in noisier activities that drown out the sound of your appliance.
Models that return themselves to the charging dock when running low on battery help maintain that quiet ambience, preventing the Roomba from getting stuck and incessantly beeping for human intervention.

Size, Shape, and Surfaces

The size and shape of your Roomba can impact its noise level. Slimmer models might fit under furniture easier, reducing the noise by preventing the sounds of bumping into obstacles. Models with rubber wheels and brushes tend to operate more silently on various surfaces.
Your home's flooring also plays a role in how sound travels. Roombas may be quieter on carpet than on hard surfaces where there's a potential for echo. Some Roombas adjust their cleaning head automatically, which helps maintain quiet operation across different floor types.
It's smart to consider a Roomba that's adept at transitioning from surface to surface while keeping noise to a minimum. This adaptability ensures thorough cleaning that's not only efficient but also discreet, regardless of your home's layout.

Hands-on Reviews and Recommendations from Discussion-Boards

In our search to provide valuable insights on the Quietest Roomba, we've gathered a selection of top resources which we believe will be beneficial for those seeking detailed information. We've arranged these resources into four specific categories for your convenience: expert reviews, forum discussions, Reddit threads, and informative videos. Each category has been chosen for its relevancy and the quality of content it offers to help you make an informed decision.
Jul 22, 2023 — These top-performing vacuums from Consumer Reports' tests are among the quietest in their class.
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Feb 21, 2023 — The Eufy 30C is an extremely quiet vacuum, making it a great choice for those who might need to run a robotic vac while they're at home.
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Nov 21, 2023 — The Roomba s9 Plus robot vacuum cleaning crumbs on both carpet and hardwood floors. Best robot vacuum for pet hair and plush carpets. iRobot...
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community.robotshop.com Logo
I bought my parents the Roomba 980 for Christmas last year... Does anyone own a robot vacuum that's quieter than the average upright vacuum?
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Roombas, at least i3 is surprisingly quiet on hard floor, but gets pretty loud on carpets due to brushes.
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The OP seems to be asking about Vacuums and to that I would say, Yes, newer ones are quieter, but they are still louder than the competition.
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The I, J, S series are also much quieter because they vent into the frame instead and they spent a lot of time sealing air leaks in there design...
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I just purchased the J7 + and it is much quieter than my previous Roombas. The exception is the self-emptying mechanism is very loud for several...
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Robot Vacuum Noise Decibel Test - iRobot Roomba i7
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Decibel Test on Low and Max settings! Which one is quieter?

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