Brunei: Home construction issues: Have you had or having issues with contractors
Bill Lah
1 month ago
Conducting a survey to know m
how many people are having issues with home constructions
ithe following sounds familiar this applies to you:
1) misleading updates: Providing false information about project status
2) Frequent delays: Continuously postponing project progress without valid reasons
3) Dishonesty about orders: Misrepresenting the ordering and delivery status of materials.
4) lack of communications: Failing to respond to inquiries or provide timely updates. Ghosting Clients: Completely cutting off communication and disappearing
5) unexpected costs increase: Requesting additional payments beyond the agreed terms.
6) financial mismanagement: Claiming payments from the bank while failing to fully pay for materials.
7) Unfinished Work: Leaving parts of the project incomplete or abandoned.
8) Poor Workmanship: Using substandard materials or delivering low-quality construction.
9) Violation of Contract Terms: Ignoring agreed-upon deadlines, specifications, or budgets.
10) Unlicensed or Unqualified Workers: Using unskilled labor or subcontractors without informing the client.
11)Hidden Fees: Adding unexpected costs not previously discussed or approved.
12) Refusing to Fix Mistakes: Ignoring or denying responsibility for errors or defects.
13) Legal or Permit Issues: Failing to obtain necessary permits, leading to potential legal trouble.
I'm sure there's creative excuses that they give especially with chatgpt available at their fingertips they can make up some BS.
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