How do you think r/haikyuu should handle fanart and fanmade content?

by a guest ·
Use a weekly fanmade thread (all kinds of fanmade content go into it)
% (99 votes)
Use a weekly fanart thread (other kinds of fanmade content, such as cosplay could still be posted at will)
% (62 votes)
Use a weekly WIP (work in progress) thread ("finished" fanart consisting of things such as shading, coloring, lineart, etc. can still be posted at will)
% (35 votes)
Use a fanmade day. All fanmade content will be only allowed to be posted on a single day of the week.
% (167 votes)
Use a weekly fanart thread and a monthly WIP thread (doodles, sketches, wips, etc.)
% (28 votes)
No change
% (72 votes)
Other: (please provide your feedback via reddit comment on the thread)
% (3 votes)


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