Acting and Audition Workshop Signup

by Jessi · 1 year ago
Join us for an acting and audition workshop to prepare for Fresher's Plays Auditions! Please include your name and CRSID when signing up.
Time zone:
28 participant 28 participants
3:00 PM
5:00 PM
Jessi R (Jar203)
Sam Mandi-Ghomi (sjm325)
Lucy Brougham lb2039
Sophia Orr (so468)
Lorna Beal
Sanaer Madden Sm2808
Georgie Middlemiss gm768
Tally Arundell
Alice McWalter (am3229)
Edie Carter, ec908
Chanel Wagenheim (cw894)
Noah Cadwaladr Evans enc26
Georgie Middlemiss (gm768)
Coco Lefkow-Green
Kody Christiansen (khc48)
Soraya (sks72)
Lexie Graham
Nicole Tan
Elena (xz518)
Lea Schubert
Valentina vd319
Helen Lyster hl656
Lucy brougham lb2039
Esme Thomas et536
Abbie Wallace acw81
Emily Knutsson Elk45
Katherine Perry kp612
Nicolas Medrano
Choose as many as you like.


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