Do you accept proxies in Legacy?

by a guest ·
Yes, you shouldn't need $500 cards to play in community-led tournaments
% (993 votes)
No, it ruins the legitimacy of the tournament
% (81 votes)
It’s not a community-led format. It’s an official wizards format. That being said, I think proxies are cool for any game.
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RL Proxies only.
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Yes, with restrictions. I.E.; 5 proxies per deck.
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Depends on the size and stakes of the tournament
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Local tournaments are fine, big events no
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Don’t add the reason people should be choosen one or the other thing to the poll choices. Just yes or no is fine.
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Yes for play test cards in regards to Reserved list, no proxies for non reserved list
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Kitchen table okay, but not in official tournaments
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10-12 prox max
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Only for RL cards
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Yes , but not in entry fee tournaments
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15 proxy limit per deck
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Yes, but I think it should be limited to X number of cards (i.e. 10 proxies allowed)
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about 6-8 should be allowed
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Proxy for sanctioned tournaments
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Only allow proxies for reserved list cards
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Only high quality where you can’t spot the difference
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Yes, magic cards shouldn't cost more than 20$ for a tournament playable card.
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As long as it isn't a sanctioned event, I'm okay with proxies
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Yes, maybe limiting them to 15
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Yes for casual events, no for bigger sanctioned events.
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For playtest fine but events that aren't openly advertising proxys allowed
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No, but for the reason that Magic is a CCG
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Proxies should be allowed for most tourney's outside of something like the buffalo chicken dip where there is serious a money prize. Local lgs should encourage proxy usage to get more players interested
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Duals only
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It depends
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I think a ten proxy cap i acceptable ag this point, especially for tournament lending logistics
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$1 per proxy or some image quality requirement.
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with a entry fee = no proxies, else sure why not :)
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Yes for FNM, No for larger events
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A certain number of proxies would be okay. Like 15-20
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I can’t justify buying the cards for a legacy deck but would love to be able to play the format so unless proxies were allowed I will never play it
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Yes, but the proxies have to look good or else it takes away from the play experience
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For cards more than $100 yes.
% (0 votes)
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