Select all of the following older visual technologies that you have used within the past 2 months

by Linux Saloon ·
Watched a Blu-Ray
% (8 votes)
Watched a DVD
% (11 votes)
Watched a Laser Disc
% (1 votes)
Watched a VCD
% (2 votes)
Watched a VHS Tape
% (4 votes)
Watched Cable/Satellite service
% (8 votes)
Watched local TV with the use of an antenna
% (11 votes)
Used a home projector
% (1 votes)
Used a CRT
% (3 votes)
Used a Plasma TV
% (4 votes)
None of the above
% (6 votes)
💭Other. (😃 Please reply with ‘other’ to this poll and please provide additional details)
% (1 votes)
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