How should we handle upcoming game megathreads going forward?

by Sphero Mancer · 1 year ago
10 days before release put up a Megathread only. No posts allowed on the sub about the game
% (129 votes)
No Megathread, allow all posts about the game until release
% (45 votes)
10 days before release put up a Megathread and allow all posts about the game until release
% (56 votes)
10 days before release put up a Megathread only. No posts allowed on the sub about the game
56.09% (129 votes)
10 days before release put up a Megathread and allow all posts about the game until release
24.35% (56 votes)
No Megathread, allow all posts about the game until release
19.57% (45 votes)
Total votes: 230 (from 230 participants)
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