Vote For Who You Want To See On Survivor 50! - Africa

by Kevin ·
Diane Ogden
% (3 votes)
Jessie Camacho
% (2 votes)
Carl Bilancione
% (0 votes)
Linda Spencer
% (1 votes)
Silas Gaither
% (5 votes)
Lindsey Richter
% (16 votes)
Clarence Black
% (21 votes)
Kelly Goldsmith
% (54 votes)
Brandon Quinton
% (17 votes)
Frank Garrison
% (5 votes)
Kim Powers
% (26 votes)
"T-Bird" Teresa Cooper
% (88 votes)
"Big Tom" Tom Buchanan
% (25 votes)
Lex van den Berghe
% (77 votes)
Ethan Zohn
% (49 votes)
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