For the first big update's storyline quest, which is the best option?

by TrashRamen ·
Lots of detailed drawings "on par" with those of Lioden's event storylines for every single step in the storyline. This will take a lot longer.
% (0 votes)
One detailed drawing "on par" with those of Lioden's event storylines for the first step, then few and far between but still detailed drawings "on par" with Lioden's event storylines to be for a couple of the storyline's steps, likely only for the most important parts of the story. Might still take a good bit but far less than the first option.
% (1 votes)
One detailed drawing "on par" with those of Lioden's event storylines for the first step, then just writing for the rest. This will be very quick.
% (2 votes)
One detailed drawing "on par" with those of Lioden's event storylines for the first step, then more simple, less detailed drawings for the rest of the steps. This will not take super long but will still take some time.
% (2 votes)
One detailed drawing "on par" with those of Lioden's event storylines for the first step, then more simple, less detailed drawings for a couple of the remaining steps, few and far between, likely only for the most important parts of the story.
% (5 votes)


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