What US server did you choose for SOM?

by a guest ·
Jom Gabbar (East PVP) Horde
% (418 votes)
Jom Gabbar (East PVP) Alliance
% (539 votes)
Barman Shanker (East PvP) Horde
% (106 votes)
Barman Shanker (East PvP) Alliance
% (122 votes)
Shadowstrike (East PvE) Horde
% (215 votes)
Shadowstrike (East PvE) Alliance
% (554 votes)
Mutanus (West PvP) Horde
% (167 votes)
Mutanus (West PvP) Alliance
% (202 votes)
Nightfall (West PvP) Horde
% (106 votes)
Nightfall (West PvP) Alliance
% (156 votes)
Obsidian Edge (West PvE) Horde
% (85 votes)
Obsidian Edge (West PvE) Alliance
% (231 votes)


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