Best NoSleep story of December 2023

by NSMods ·
I’m A Police Officer in Heaven, Ohio, These Are The Rules To Survive
% (12 votes)
Every time I die, I enter an alternate reality.
% (4 votes)
If You Find a Set of Stairs in the Woods That Lead Nowhere, DO NOT Climb Them.
% (3 votes)
I was sent a video of something I thought I’d dreamed as a child
% (4 votes)
I heard the last words of the woman in the woods.
% (11 votes)
Every year, I play a game of life and death with Santa. And All I want for Christmas this year is to stop playing.
% (10 votes)
Has anyone else noticed a new language on their Duolingo app? Did it ruin your life, too?
% (5 votes)
I hear a train whistle at 2:14 AM every night
% (7 votes)
Something awful happened to my parents. Now my mother won't stop screaming
% (3 votes)
I’m blind. I’m not sure how many steps my staircase has.
% (15 votes)
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