Best NoSleep Story of February 2023

by NSMods · 2 years ago
Don’t play the 'Can You Hide?' game if it appears on your phone.
% (21 votes)
We bought a house that eats the dead. We started feeding it.
% (44 votes)
My childhood best friend was a maple tree. My memories of her have started to change.
% (13 votes)
I found a twelve-step group for serial killers
% (7 votes)
Ever since I woke up from surgery, everyone tells me that I’m married to a man I’ve never met.
% (23 votes)
I'm a Biology Teacher. Show and Tell Turned Out VERY badly Today...
% (4 votes)
Everyone thinks my daughter is taller than she is.
% (4 votes)
For the past year, I have been sharing my brain.
% (2 votes)
Police are hoping to match this audio transcript with a suspect. Please share it.
% (3 votes)
My Grandfather’s Best Friend Drowned in the Creek When She Was Ten Years Old - They Never Found Her Head
% (17 votes)

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