January 2009: Artists as Gargoyles 3

by a guest ·
Title: Attack of The Fangoyle Artist: Sheryl Schopfer
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Title: Cherry-Goyle Artist: Cherryhobbit
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Title: Dancing with Myself Artist: Tragic Rabbit
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Title: Emilialys on the garg side Artist: Emilialys
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Title: Fireflies Artist: Shahrezad1
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Title: Galsic Gargified Artist: Galsic
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Title: Gargoyle Self Portrait Artist: Zoe
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Title: If I were a gargoyle.. Artist: valaheri
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Title: Judithgoyle Artist: Judith
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Title: MeGarg in Pixels Artist: Nebulan
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Title: My Gargoyle Avatar Artist: Hidden-Traveler
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Title: My Gargoyle Persona Artist: Benny J. Ross
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Title: My Gargoyle Self Artist: Laura Hart
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Title: On a Tuesday Night... Artist: Tuesdai
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Title: Once Upon A Dream Artist: Chaos Destine
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Title: Public Transport Artist: Cynny_NZ
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Title: Ryu and Nyanko Artist: Nytshad
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Title: When Creatures meet their Creators Artist: Karell and Louise
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