What game(s) would you want to compete in for an online tournament?

by Orlando Runback ·
Guilty Gear Strive (PS4/PS5)
% (5 votes)
Guilty Gear Strive (PC)
% (6 votes)
Tekken 7 (PS4)
% (4 votes)
Capcom vs SNK 2 (Fightcade)
% (8 votes)
Street Fighter III: Third Strike (Fightcade)
% (7 votes)
Marvel vs Capcom 2 (Fightcade)
% (4 votes)
Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Fightcade - SSF2X:GMC)
% (4 votes)
X-Men: Children of the Atom (Fightcade)
% (3 votes)
Mystery Game (Fightcade)
% (8 votes)


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