Which level are you(by the end of the season)? Did/will you play the HEROIC tavern brawl?

by a guest ·
rank 6 and below; I did/will play the HEORIC tavern brawl
% (41 votes)
rank 5 to rank 1; I did/will play the HEORIC tavern brawl
% (25 votes)
legend; I did/will play the HEORIC tavern brawl
% (12 votes)
rank 6 and below; I did/will NOT play the HEORIC tavern brawl
% (283 votes)
rank 5 to rank 1; I did/will NOT play the HEORIC tavern brawl
% (116 votes)
legend; I did/will NOT play the HEORIC tavern brawl
% (68 votes)


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