The ideal Mario Kart themes

by a guest ·
Mario Circuit
% (5 votes)
Bowser's Castle
% (6 votes)
Rainbow Road
% (5 votes)
Snow Track
% (4 votes)
Desert Track
% (4 votes)
Beach Track
% (5 votes)
Shore Town Track
% (3 votes)
Night Town Track
% (2 votes)
Spooky Mansion Track
% (5 votes)
Haunted Bridge Track
% (3 votes)
Other Character Track
% (0 votes)
Mountain Track
% (4 votes)
Plains Track
% (3 votes)
Forest Track
% (5 votes)
Starter Circuit
% (3 votes)
Chocolate Track
% (1 votes)
Stadium Track
% (4 votes)
Electro Track
% (2 votes)
Traffic Track
% (4 votes)
Circuit inside the arcade
% (0 votes)
Original Track
% (2 votes)
Circuit again
% (1 votes)
Sky Track
% (4 votes)
Running Water Track
% (0 votes)
Jungle Track
% (2 votes)
Wario Stadium
% (1 votes)
Food Track
% (2 votes)
Music Track
% (2 votes)
Snow DK Track
% (1 votes)
Bad Reference Track
% (0 votes)
NES-SNES game inspired Track
% (1 votes)
Luigi Circuit
% (1 votes)
% (0 votes)
Big Tree Track
% (0 votes)
Farm Track
% (1 votes)
Crossover Track
% (0 votes)
Spin-off Track
% (1 votes)
Royalty Track
% (1 votes)
Red/Orange Desert Track
% (4 votes)
Sunshine Reference Track
% (2 votes)
Oriental Track
% (2 votes)

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